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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 Class Page

Year 6 Leavers Performance

World Awareness Week

Statistics using sweets



Computing Lesson - Monday 2nd October


Here is the website for Bletchley Park - Bletchley Park | Home


Google Form - Bletchley Park Quiz


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Computing Lesson 2 - Monday 11th September

Here is the link to the Brute Force Hacking webpage.

Can you explore it further at home?

Can you make a longer password?

Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page

Term 3 - What's On!

This term, in English, we will be reading Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll. This fits perfectly with our history topic on Ancient Egypt. If you want to read along you can visit the weblink below for a free online version of the text. In Maths, we will be diving into the more formal written methods of multiplication and division as well as revisiting fractions. Lucky for us that this terms value is Perserverence! In PE, we will be shooting some hoops with our basketball lessons as well as hitting the links, learning the basics of golf. 


School Trip to the Tate Modern

Here are just a few pictures of our trip to London during Art Week. We had a particular focus on using textiles in art and examined the artist Bisa Butler


River Trip to Horton Kirby


Year 5 had a brilliant time at the Horton Kirby Environmental Education Centre visiting the River Darent near Dartford. They spent most of their time, ankle deep in the river, measuring the speed of the current, depth and width of the river. After our field work, the children looked at the data and compared it to other years. The day was complete with the children investigating which types of rocks are permeable and impermeable as well as making model rivers with flood defences.

Welcome to the Year 4 class page!

Our Class Worship


The school value for term 4 was forgiveness and excitingly it was our turn to do the values worship for the rest of the school.


We decided to perform the story of Jonah and the Whale (Thank you Mrs Knight for making the props). We then thought about times when our friends or siblings had given us a second chance and thanked them for it.



Science Week


For science week, key stage 2 looked at the wonders of human digestion! We were lucky enough to have our parents join us and most of them enjoyed themselves too!



In topic, we looked at Romans throughout terms 3 and 4. We were fortunate enough to have Tyler bring in some replica Roman armour for everyone to try on! This inspired us to make our own helmets. How do you think we did? 



Animals including humans!

Our science topic for terms 3 and 4 is animals including humans, with a focus on the human body! 

To start our topic, we looked at what parts of the body we knew of and what their purpose was. We then focused on bones! We identified the main bones in the body and thought about what would happen if we didn't have a skeleton.

Currently, we're soaking chicken bones in vinegar and water to see how these liquids impact on the strength of the bones. Watch this space to see the results!

The Romans!

Over terms 3 and 4, our topic is the Romans!

So far, we've looked at what daily life in the Roman period was like, Roman soldiers and we've created a timeline to identify key parts of the Roman Empire!


Have a look below at some of the work we've created.

Welcome to Augustine Page

Year 3

Oliver and the Seawigs


This term we are studying Oliver and the Seawigs.

Watch the trailer using the link below to find out more.

We know Our Place Value!

We have been learning about Place Value in our maths lessons and have made good progress in our understanding. See us using concrete resources to show our understanding of Hundreds, Tens and Ones.

We're Investigating!

We are learning about forces and magnets in Science this term. Our planning skills are developing effectively. We have been learning to identify independent and dependent variables. We have been planning investigations to answers the wonder questions we have.

Ask us about the marble run - it was fun!

How do we get an egg in a bottle?

Still image for this video

Meet the Teacher Welcome Video


Still image for this video

Welcome to our Year 1 Class Page

We’ve been having fun with our capacity work in Maths this week, comparing containers and ordering them from smallest to greatest capacity.
Lovely Polar climate paintings (but we know we can’t have Polar bears and penguins in the same picture!)
We made some symmetrical alien pictures. Can you read their alien names?
We had a lovely trip to Rochester today. We enjoyed travelling on the train with our Year 6 partners. We had an excellent workshop in the “storybook chapel” in the Cathedral, learning about the stories in the stained glass windows. We did some super observational drawings of the castle and enjoyed a sunny picnic and playtime in the castle grounds. 
Look at our amazing drawings! (Our Year 6 partners may have helped a little with our castles but the cathedral pictures are all our own!)
Thank you to everyone who came to watch our class Collective Worship all about the Alphabet. We enjoyed playing with our hats in our phonics lessons, especially making words with split digraphs. Letter E was very busy!
Easter competition winners - well done everyone who entered!
We have been learning about measuring in Maths and used our weighing skills to make some Easter cakes.  With the balance scales we needed to weigh equal quantities of eggs, flour, butter and sugar. 
Did you know that it is possible to stand on eggs without them breaking? Here is some photographic proof....
The results of our eggs-citing eggs-periment. Can you work out which eggs have been in which liquid for a week? The choices are water, milk, cola, vinegar or oil. 
Our egg fact posters.

Dinosaur Science Week 2019

We learned about how fossils are formed and made our own models using clay and plaster. The results were very realistic. 

We found out that the biggest pterodactyl skeleton ever found had a wingspan of 12 metres. We tested to see if it would have fitted in our classroom. Only just!

We had so much fun seeing the dinosaurs at Wingham Wildlife Park today! 

World Book Day 2019


We enjoyed dressing up as book characters and sharing lots of stories. 

We performed more tests in Science today to find out which material would make the best raincoats for ZibZab and BobBlob. We found that metal foil and plastic bin bags were both waterproof but that the plastic made a much better coat. Poor BobBlob got rather soggy but ZibZab stayed nice and dry!
We tested different papers today in Science to see which was the most absorbent. We found that blue paper towels were able to hold the most drops of water, so now we know what is best to use if we need to clear up spilled water on a table.
We had an exciting afternoon building castles from junk. We used lots of mathematical language about 3D shapes and lots of our Castle topic vocabulary. Thank you very much to all the parents who came in to help. We hope you had as much fun as the children. 
We went on an adventure today to the land where the Wild Things are. We found Max’s boat and all our Wild Things waiting for us. We had a rumpus and then brought them back to the classroom for a chocolate biscuit. 
We have been investigating Everyday Materials in Science and today we went on a hunt around school to find examples.
Christmas party time!!
Split digraph ‘a_e’ with plasticine...
At the Tate we saw a piece of Art that was a Sainsbury’s receipt for a shopping list of only white things. We wrote our own orange shopping lists for items for an orange party and here is the receipt and pictures of us enjoying our orange food. 
Here we are matching Autumn leaves to our orange colour charts. We had a big discussion about “What is Orange?” and when does it turn into brown or red or yellow or white. 
As part of Art Week we learned to make tie-dye t-shirts. Here are some pictures of how we wrapped them up in elastic bands and how much fun it was to reveal our designs. 
We went to London today to visit Tate Modern. We revealed a picture on the floor using our body heat and drew the skyline that we could see from the tenth floor. We especially enjoyed having our picnic lunch all together. 
Here are some of the Art works we saw. 
We enjoyed Harvest Festival at the church today. Thank you to everyone who came to watch. 
We have been on a shape hunt today, looking for 3D shapes in the school environment. We found lots of cuboids, cylinders and spheres but not so many cones or cubes. 
 Enjoying our football with Mr Affonso.
In Science we have been learning to record and read data in a table.  Can you use this table to name the aliens below?
We made these super shape pictures in Maths today and will be using them to practise identifying and describing a range of 2d shapes. 
We have been working hard on learning our Number Bonds to 10 this week.  We have made bracelets with 10 beads that we can use to see the pairs of numbers that add to make 10, we have played a game where we have 10 counters and hide some secretly under a cup and then our partner has to use their number bond skills to work out how many are hidden, and we have practiced our quick recall by playing ”Hit the Button” on the ipads. 

Welcome to our Reception Class page

Term 6

We enjoyed taking part in our first class worship about journeys and the story of Granny went to market.

We took part in our first Sports Day.
Our star readers.
Our class dressed up for World Book Day.
We took part in lots of fun activities.
We went to the church and took part in Godly Play. We learnt about the parable of the Good Shepherd and took part in lots of lovely activities.
Our Term 5
We have had a wonderful World Awareness Week. We explored the local village our school is in, exploring the park and drawing pictures of our church. We also had a visit from some firemen and their truck, which we were very excited about. We compared Egyptian and African life to life in our village and the things we do and have. Lastly we took part in a skip challenge at the end of the week.
We won Buster’s Book Club twice.
We have enjoyed our first yoga session.
Well done Ellison for winning the Jackson award this term.
Well done star readers.
In term four we have enjoyed Science Week where we got to explore living things. In Maths we have been working on our addition and subtraction as well as our 3D shapes. In Literacy we have been trying really hard with our writing.

Our Maths and Literacy Activities

Our Science Week

Our Star Readers This Term

We have had a busy few weeks back at school. We have been learning new sounds and practising our writing. We enjoyed painting pictures about the snow and writing about our favourite bits. In Maths we have been learning about addition and position. In PE we have explored the bigger play equipment further, climbing and balancing safely. Have a look at some of our learning experiences.
Many congratulations to our 5 Silver Badge winners today. It is wonderful to see you smiling so proudly at your huge achievement of collecting 4 cards worth of stars, for excellent rule keeping and behaviour, and receiving your badges.
Today was our turn at Godly Play in the Church with Jo. We listened to, and wondered about, the story of ‘The Holy Family’ and then enjoyed a range of activities afterwards. 

Congratulations to our latest 3 Silver Badge winners! That is for 4 cards of stars collected for good rule keeping! Well done! 

Lucy was our first Star Reader of the Week with the most amount of minutes read at home on Wednesday night. 

Outside learning today on the field in the bright, but cold, sunshine was exploring the sounds of different instruments, performing for our friends, riding wheeled toys, and counting on into a very long line! We also enjoyed physical exercise by running, climbing and playing football. 
In today’s Worship three children were presented with their Silver Badges and one with a Bronze Badge. These are part of our whole school behaviour policy and each badge is  earnt by filling 2 Star cards with stars awarded for good rule keeping. 

Let’s Celebrate!

We have some more Bronze Badge winners for good rule keeping and behaviour. Plus 2 children with certificates for 100% attendance in Terms 1 and 2. Thomas has been presented with a Jackson Award for being a good citizen in the school community. Isla and James have Head Teacher Awards for their brilliant writing. 

Well done to you all!

We got changed into all our PE kit and explored different ways of moving in the Hall plus moved to a Storycise session about a Farm.

Infant Church Service

A busy week at school with lots of Christmas food to be eaten! 

We are waiting for Christmas during Advent and we are counting each day with our selection of Advent calendars. 

Infant Nativity Performance 

We performed two fantastic shows in front of two very full houses! The stars twinkled, the sheep baad, and much singing and dancing was done by us all. 

These photos are action shots so maybe a little less posed than some but certainly capture our festive excitement​​​​​! 

We all learnt about the story of Jesus' birth, the first Christmas and why we still celebrate Christmas 2000 years on. 

Many thanks to all our families for supporting us through providing costumes and an enthusiastic audience. 

Well done to all these children who are holding envelopes containing their Bronze Behaviour Badges! These are earnt by collecting enough stars for good rule keeping to fill up two whole Star Cards. 

Keep up the good rule keeping and remember to wear your badge every day with pride! 

We had fun raising money for Children In Need by dressing in spots and making and eating biscuits decorated as Pudsey Bear. 

We also went to church to join in World Prayer Day activities. 

Art Week

The National Gallery 'Take One Picture' this year was ' Experiment on a bird in an air pump' by Joseph Wright of Derby. After looking at the picture the children asked questions and talked about what they could see. They observed that the picture was made of light parts and dark parts so we used this as the theme for our art work, exploring light or 'glowing' as described by one child, through fireworks , shades through paint mixing and black and white through x rays. 

The children commented a lot on the ' man with his hand up' ( a sign of being in school a while now maybe?), what was in the glowing potion and thought that the man and lady in conversation on the left were talking French and saying "Bonjour Oh la la!" 

Thank you for joining us at our Stay and Play.

Below are the slides used at the Phonics Workshop for parents on Tuesday in PDF format.

Dates for your diaries! 

Investigating shapes

We took some skipping ropes out onto the big playground and used them to make the shapes circle, square, rectangle and triangle. We counted how many sides and corners each shape had. We learnt a circle has 1 curved side, a square has 4 straight sides all the same length, a triangle has 3 corners and 3 sides and a rectangle has 2 longer sides and 2 shorter sides but they are all straight. We made these shapes with a partner. 

On Friday we walked to the postbox to post our Thank You card to PCSO Holmes.  We learnt about writing and address and how the postal service works by sharing our ideas first. Many of the children were keen to post their own letters in a postbox so if you get a chance to share writing a letter or card at home and then posting it that would be a good way to follow up this interest and learning. 

If you want to post something to us at school the address is below

Ramsey Class

Bapchild & Tonge CEP School

School Lane






We also enjoyed looking at the barriers, equipment and holes made by the gas workers. 

Welcome Service

We had a wonderful experience at our Welcome Service today. Mr Kelly lit the candle. We do this at the beginning of every Worship to remind us that God is with us and Jesus is the Light of the World. The Worship Leader says "The Lord is with us" and our response is "Thanks be to God".

Jo told us the Bible story of The Lost Sheep and then we were all presented with our very own Bible to take home and read and share with our families. 

We went on a walk to see the trains going past. We had to look out for the school gate and the gate with a 2 on it. We had to find a safe place to cross the road. We had Loraine and John the PCSOs to help us. We saw 3 trains, 2 horses and even tractors on the A2 on the way back to school.

Fun indoors and outside! 
