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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.


Our Computing Curriculum: Intent, Implementation and Impact


Intent: We intend to build a computing curriculum that prepares pupils to ‘root and grow’ safely in an increasingly digital society where pupils can evaluate and apply their learning, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems. Our children will be taught in a way that ensures progression of skills, and follows a sequence to build on previous learning. Our children will be taught to use technology responsibly and carefully, being mindful of how their behaviour, words and actions can affect others. We intend that children should master Computing to such an extent that they can go on to have careers within Computing and make use of Computing effectively in their everyday lives.



  • All classes will have a scheduled Computing lesson each week.
  • We follow the Kapow Computing Curriculum which is a clear and effective scheme of work that provides coverage in line with the National Curriculum. Kapow planning follows the three main learning strands of Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy.
  • Children will have access to the hardware (computers, tablets, programmable equipment) and software that they need to develop knowledge and skills of digital systems and their applications
  • Parents are informed when issues relating to online safety arise and further information/support is provided if required.
  • As well as opportunities underpinned within the scheme of work, children will also spend time further exploring the key issues associated with online safety.


Impact: Children will be confident users of technology, able to use it to accomplish a wide variety of goals, both at home and in school. Our children enjoy and value Computing and know why they are doing things, not just how. Children will understand and appreciate the value of Computing in the context of their personal wellbeing and the technological, creative and cultural industries and their many career opportunities. Progress in Computing is demonstrated through regularly reviewing and scrutinising children’s work, in accordance with our Computing assessment policy to ensure that progression of skills is taking place. Namely through:

  • Looking at pupils’ work, especially over time as they gain skills and knowledge, which is evidenced in the Computing Big Books which each year group produces.
  • Observing how they perform in lessons
  • Talking to them about what they know.

The Computing curriculum will contribute to children’s personal development in creativity, independence, judgement and self-reflection. This would be seen in them being able to talk confidently about their work, and sharing their work with others. Progress will be shown through outcomes and through the important record of the process leading to them.


Nursery and Reception


In our Nursery and Reception classes, children still engage in learning about computer science, information technology and digital literacy, but through a play-based, child-initiated way in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework. Some examples of how children engage with technology in the EYFS include:

- using tablets or laptops to mark make, paint, draw, type, or play educational games where children learn how to use a touch-screen, a mouse or a keyboard. 

- having (non-functional) mobile phones, landline phones and cameras available in play areas for children to engage in role play

- having functional technology resources that children can recognise and use in their child-initiated time such as cameras, walkie-talkies and torches

- ways for children to explore the control technology of toys such as a toy electronic keyboard, operating mechanical toys and to coordinate actions to control technology, for example, create a video recording. 

- use of the class interactive white board as a teaching tool for carpet sessions: learning songs, dance moves, maths games, mark making, story telling, using the internet etc.

- offering a range of programmable toys such as Bee-Bots, roamers and touchscreen devices. 

- adults modelling and enabling use of technology in the community, e.g. taking photos of a nature walk in the local area and revisiting the photos at a later date to discuss what they saw. 

- providing a range of materials and objects to play with that work in different ways and for different purposes, e.g. egg whisk, torch, pulleys, construction kits. 

- lots of discussion and interactions about what children are doing and the different purposes of different technologies. 



Computing Curriculum Resources


Years 1 - 6

We use the Kapow Curriculum in Years 1 - 6 to teach computing. Please see below for links to the Curriculum Overview and the Progression Framework which underpins our Computing teaching.

Digital Literacy: Staying Safe Online


At Bapchild and Tonge CE Primary School we take online safety very seriously. The first computing lesson of each term is an online safety lesson, and we take part in Online Safety Day in February each year. We always deliver a parent talk on this day, and attached are the slides from this year's presentation with some useful links for further information. 

Online Safety Day - Feb 2024 Parents Meeting

Online Safety Day Feb 23: Parent Slides

Clicker 8- Free License for Home Use!


All families at Bapchild and Tonge CE Primary School can have free access to our Clicker 8 software which is a writing tool providing scaffolding and support for any child who wishes to use it. 

All computers and Ipads at school have Clicker 8 on them and staff are receiving regular training in different ways of using this fantastic software in class.

If you would like to download this software onto a device at home, please email Mrs Ward via the school office. 

Worried? Need Advice?

If you have any worries or concerns about your own or your child's online safety then do reach out to school.

Mrs Ward leads on Computing and Mrs Long is our Wellbeing Leader, and they will be happy to chat to you.

There are also some online resources below which are useful websites for support:

Think U Know - for children or families: CEOP Education (

Childnet - for children or families: Childnet — Online safety for young people

NSPCC: Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

UK Safer Internet Centre: Parents and Carers - UK Safer Internet Centre
