Year 3
Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page
In preparation for our Harvest Festival performance, the children are learning the lyrics to our Amarillo inspired Harvest song. It would be great if your child could practice singing the song at home.
Count up to 8 before coming in after the initial intro
When the day is dawning
On a sunny Bapchild morning,
I stroll to my allotment,
I take a look and then in a moment
I see the swede and carrots,
Every runner bean,
Plums and apples juicy,
The best I’ve ever seen.
It’s harvest time so we dig the veggies,
and pick the fruit ‘coz it’s ripe and ready,
We’ll fill the barn with corn that we’ve cut,
give thanks to God for all we have.
It’s harvest time, hear the church bells ringing,
Hear the song of joy that we’re singing,
Give thanks to God for the food we’re bringing,
We’re lucky that we have so much.
Sha la la la la la la la ‘H’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘A’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘R’
V –E-S-T thank you God.
In the fields the farmer,
He ploughs and digs and then plants another,
He reaps and sows and gathers,
He drives the combine and has his tractor.
Mid 8
When we’ve had the sunshine
He drives down the lanes,
His work’ll keep on going,
Through the wind and rain.
It’s harvest time so we dig the veggies,
and pick the fruit ‘coz it’s ripe and ready,
We’ll fill the barn with corn that we’ve cut
give thanks to God for all we have.
Sha la la la la la la la ‘H’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘A’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘R’
V –E-S-T thank you God.
Sha la la la la la la la ‘H’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘A’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘R’
V –E-S-T thank you God.
Sha la la la la la la la ‘H’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘A’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘R’
V –E-S-T thank you God.
Sha la la la la la la la ‘H’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘A’
Sha la la la la la la la ‘R’
V –E-S-T thank you God.
Harvest Song Audio
English – This term our key text is ‘Bedtime for Monsters’. It is a picture book that we use as inspiration for the children to write alternative endings to the story and think carefully about the illustrations used.
Maths – Our main focus this term is on place value. We will be partitioning, adding/subtracting, making number lines and representing numbers, using a variety of manipulatives. We will also begin to practise times tables, particularly focusing on the 3, 4 and 8’s.
Science – Over the next two terms, we will be looking at electricity and completing a range of exciting experiments to engage the children and understand how electrical circuits work.
PE – This term we will be focusing on the skills and techniques required for Netball and Golf.
Reading – Along with daily reading comprehension texts, we will be reading ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl as the daily class reader.
Welcome to Year 2 Class Page
Term 5 English
PE Handball
Dance The Lion King
Year 2 have worked really hard this term learning a dance to the song I Just Can't Wait To Be King. On the last day of term we showed the rest of the school our video in worship and everyone thought we did a fantastic job. Just click the link below to have a watch yourselves! Happy half term, Mrs Clark
Fire Engine Fun
Well done Year 2 for some wonderful creations.
We have lots to look forward to in Year 2 this term. We will be reading Toby and the Great Fire of London by Margaret Nash and writing diary entries.
We will be making sculptures in Art.
We have forest school to look forward to.
Not to mention all the Christmas things we will be doing. The nativity practices will be underway soon and you will soon be receiving a letter with your child's part.
This week we are enjoying DT week to watch this space for more photos.
Term 5 - Year 1
In History we have been answering the question 'What is it like to rule a country?' We have been looking at past and current rulers, especially King Charles III and his coronation.
We went on a class trip to the Tower of London to look at the crown jewels and royal objects. We had an amazing time!!
Term 4
This year, our World Book Day celebrations focused on feeling cozy and reading a book!
We had many different costumes, including animals (lots of dinosaurs!), mermaids, pirates, fairy tale characters and even Harry Potter! We also had some parents and grandparents come in to read and share their favourite stories (whilst we enjoyed hot chocolate and biscuits!).
Term 2
To begin our topic on 'Where does our food come from?' we visited Kent Life to explore how our food travels from farms to our plates at home! We had a wonderful workshop focused on the journey our food goes on, where we explored different fruit and herbs. We also got to meet and feed some of the animals (including Kevin the Sheep), try some sunflower seeds and go on a tractor ride!
Term 5
This term our question was ‘What do Pirates like best?’
We looked at the books Jack and the Flum Flum Tree, The Troll, The Pirate Cook Book and The Pirates of Scurvy Sands to help us answer our question.
We used different resources to create pirate ships and pirate clothes, made our own treasure islands, treasure chests and treasure maps. We used compasses to find North, East, South and West and used these to direct our friends to find the treasure.
We wrote our own pirate menus (Yuck!) And painted our own pirate self portraits.
What a lot of learning we did this term! Ah har me Harteys!

Wingham Wildlife Park and Spring Walk
To finish off our topic on ‘Do things stay the same?’ we visited Wingham Wildlife Park to see the animals and find out all about how they change as they grow. We had a bug talk and got to look at some interesting things like the skin and fangs of a tarantula.
We also went on our trembly Walk in the village to see how the local environment has changed since last time.
Term 4
This term we have been thinking about the question 'Do things stay the same?'
We began by reading 'Once There Were Giants' and looked carefully about how we have changed and what we might grow up to be when we become 'giants'. We looked at photos and objects from before we were born to find out and ask questions about the past. We had 'Gran' in to visit and tell us about life when she was little.
After this, we looked at the books 'Titch' and 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and planted our own sunflower seeds and beans to watch how they change and grow. They are still getting bigger now!
Next we read 'Errol's Garden' and though about how he changed the spaces around him and we planted more seeds in our garden to see if we could make the space look better. We will keep watching to see if they grow and what insects they might attract.
At the end of term, we read 'The Ugly Duckling' to see how some animals change as they grow. After Easter, we are going on a trip to Wingham to learn more about animals and how they change as they grow.

In maths this term we have been learning all about numbers 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. We have found them in the environment, looked at different representations, found 2 and 3 groups to make an amount, ordered and combined. We have measured length, height, weight and time and looked at recognising, describing, building and patterns using 3D solids. What a busy term!

This term we have been thinking about the question 'Why do Christian's put a cross in an Easter Garden?'
We listened to the parts of the Easter story starting with Palm Sunday and mde our own palm leaves to wave like people did for Jesus. We learnt all about how Christians believe that Good Friday was sad as well as happy. We know all about how Jesus died on a cross but came back to life and took the badness away to save people on Earth. Lots of us made and painted crosses as we know that it is special symbol for Christians. Our friend Tessa made an Easter garden but her friend Tom ruined it but we learnt about forgiveness and helped her make a new Easter Garden. We tried hot cross buns, found signs of new life, made our own Easter cards and ended with an Easter Egg hunt. Yum!
We have had more family members come in to read to us on a Friday!

World Book Day Fun!
This year, our World Book Day celebrations included dressing up inspired by non-fiction. We had police officers, doctors, nurses, animals, stars and even Queen Elizabeth! We had a book swap and have been looking at the book 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and non fiction books about growing plants.
Family Reading Fridays!
It all started with a girl telling us all about how her dad read the BEST story to her and she wanted to share it. So 'Family Reading Fridays' began.
So far we have had 3 parents in to share a book from home to the class and we have LOVED it! Well done parents - who will be next?!

Term 3
During this term we have been looking at the big question 'How does it feel?'. The children have looked at the book 'The Colour Monster' and we have talked about our different feelings. We then went onto read 'Oi! Get off our train!' and found out about the animals in the story and how they are in danger. The next story was 'The Princess and the Pea' and we acted out the story. The children tested different materials to see which were soft and which were hard. They then made their own beds out of the best materials. We then moved onto 'Seasons' by Hannah Peng. We went on our termly walk to see how our village is changing during the different seasons. After this, we explored the artist Giuseppe Arcimboldo who was an Italian painter who is best known for painting pictures of people's heads made of objects as fruits, vegetables, flowers, fish, and books. We looked at his Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter paintings and then had a go at making our own winter pictures using sticks and leaves we collected on our walk and other root vegetables and some fruit.
We learnt about how people celebrate Chinese New Year and looked at rhythms in music. We used Mrs Julier's lion puppet and said things like 'Chi-nese-new-year' and 'year-of-the-tig-er'. We also made lanterns and a HUGE dragon. We then used instruments and performed a dragon dance.

We read the book 'The Princess and the Pea' and tested out which materials are soft and which are hard. We then made our own beds using the softest material. We used tape and glue to join the materials together. Some children had a go at using the saw to cut cardboard tubes and wood.

In maths this term we have learnt about zero, comparing numbers to 5, combining groups to make a total, measuring mass, exploring the capacity of different sized containers and the composition of numbers 6, 7 and 8.

Term 2
During Term 2, we have been looking at journeys. We began by looking at the story of Rama and Sita and how Diwali is celebrated. We made Diva lamps and retold the story using puppets. The moon was our next destination in 'Whatever Next' with baby bear in his rocket. There was lots of imagination being used with cardboard boxes and tubes to make rockets. We then took a stroll with Hansel and Gretel and make sweetie houses with our parents. We were very excited to read 'Who's Coming to Our House' and began getting ready for a very special arrival. After this we rode along with The Jolly Christmas Postman and went on our termly walk around the village to look for evidence of winter. We even delivered our own Christmas Cards at the post box and bumped into the real Jolly Postman! The end of the term found us following 'Stickman' on his journey to get back to the family tree just in time for Christmas.
What a lot of journeys we had!

In our maths we looked at numbers 4 and 5. We found different ways to make them on a part, part whole model and on a 5 frame. The children found representations of 4 and 5 around the classroom including using coins and playdough. Then we moved on to 1 more and 1 less or fewer using the numicon to help us. Squares and rectangles were next on our maths journey and we found lots when we went on our Winter Walk.

In DT week our focus was Cereal Bars. We tasted cereal bars to see which were our favourites, we tasted different dried fruits, planned and designed our own cereal bars before making and evaluating them. It was great fun!

Welcome Ramsey Class
What a busy first term at Bapchild & Tonge Primary School we’ve had.
We have spent the first term getting to know the children and their families.
We were lucky enough to have our Welcome Service in Church this year where the children were fantastic at singing their Welcome Song and told their families about their favourite things about school so far.

During this term the children have been making some great friendships and becoming familiar with the new routines. Some of the interests the children have shown us are camp fires, pet shops, pirates, home corner role play, animals, digging and fairy tales.

In our maths learning, we have been focusing on matching, sorting, comparing, patterns and numbers 1, 2 and 3. The children have learnt where things go in the classroom and are very good at putting things away in the right places. They found things that match and compared different amounts of items using the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’. We looked at circles and triangles and found some in the environment.