Relationships, Sex and Health Education at Our School
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)
Here at Bapchild, we aim to creatively build character, emotional health and resilience in children; equipping them with foundational principles and skills that will improve their mental health and relationships, both now and in their next steps of education and life. In order to do this, we use the HeartSmart curriculum framework specifically designed for Church schools, and this forms the basis of our PSHE and RSHE teaching.
You can build on our work at home by using the HeartSmart Family website:
Below is our Sex and Relationships Policy.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the non-statutory components of sex education within RSE. Those parents wishing to exercise this right will be invited in to see the Headteacher or PSHE coordinator to discuss the impact that withdrawal may have on the child. The school will always comply with the wishes of the parent in this regard. Alternative work will be given to pupils who are withdrawn from sex education lessons.
It is important to note that the separate Relationships and Health education programme followed by all pupils at Bapchild and Tonge Primary School is compulsory and children cannot be withdrawn from these lessons.
Our Year 6 children will, from next year in Term 6, be offered the opportunity to share sections from this video as part of our SRE lessons:
The Primary Guide to Growing Up, Relationships and Sex | Life Support Productions