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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.

Year 5

Welcome to the Year 5 Class Page!

Year 5 -Term 5

Art - How do you make Sculpture part of Nature?   


This Term we have been learning about the artist Fernando Casasempere and working with clay to create sculptures. 


First, we learned about the artist and his style. Then, we learned the techniques of slab building with clay. A different technique of building than we have learned previously. Following that we created our own design before attempting to make our sculptures with the technique of slab building. 

English - Oh Maya Gods!  


This Term we have been reading a book linker to our topic on the Maya. In response to this book we write a diary entry and a myth inspired by the characters in the book. 

Year 5 -Term 4

English - Journey to Jo'burg  


This term we have been learning and responding to the story of Naledi and Tiro. Two children who have to embark on a journey to help their sister. In response to this story, we wrote police reports and wrote stories from a characters point of view. 

D&T - How do make a meal ethical?  


This Term we have been investigating what ethical food is and how can make the food we eat and make more ethical and sustainable. We researched what different ethical practices looked like before developing a recipe and then using skills such as peeling, chopping, boiling, frying and simmering to create finished dish. 

Year 5 -Term 3

Art - How do you paint with paper?  


This Term we have been looking at two Collage artists and their work - Bennon Lataaya and Nidjeka Akunyill Crosby. We have been thinking about their intention behind their art and what they wanted to say. The children have had opportunities to try out different collage techniques and design their own collages with a message they want to send. 

English - Secrets of a Sun King 


This Term we have been reading Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll. this book links directly with our topic, in which we are learning about Ancient Egypt. The book is set in 1922 just about the time Howard Carter is about to discover the tomb of Tutankhamun. In response to the book we have been writing persuasive letters and thinking about alternate endings for the story. We have been analysing the writers excellent descriptions and using it as inspiration for our own. 

PE - Basketball


This Term we have been developing our skills in Basketball. Each week developing a different skill before having short games. We have learned how to control the ball properly when dribbling, shooting techniques and defensive strategies. 

PE - Golf


This Term we have been developing our Golf skills. We have been learning how to putt with correct positioning and learning how hard to hit the ball - so watch out, next time you take your children to crazy golf! We have also been developing out chipping skills and hitting for distance. 


Year 5 -Term 2

PE - Yoga 


This Term the class had Yoga with Mr Vestegaard our resident Yoga Teacher. They learned a range of poses including a sun salute and handstands. The children expressed enjoyment with the sessions as they had time to reflect and relax. 

PE - Dance 


This Term the class created a dance with Miss Martin! Their dance was inspired by the Olympics and they performed it to the song "Search for a hero" by the M People. 

English - Macbeth


This Term we have been reading and writing in response to Shakespeare's play Macbeth. We began the topic by going on a fantastic trip to Shakespeare's Globe in London where we had the opportunity to actually perform a line from Shakespeare on the stage!  


As part of our learning we wrote newspaper articles and playscripts, and if you came along to our worship you would have seen us perform Act 1 from the play ourselves! 

D&T - How do you make a moving toy? 


This Term we have investigated how different cams work. the children explored cams and how they move and then had a go at designing and making their own cam toys. 

Topic - Why is the River Nile so important to people living in Egypt? 


In topic, we have focussed our Rivers topic on one specific River - The river Nile. We will be investigating why the river is so important to the people of Egypt, now and in the past. 


Year 5  - Term 1 

Art - How has the depiction of nature changed? 


This term we have been continuing to develop our painting skills through the medium of gouache paint. We have studied two artists who use the painting medium. Albrecht Durer and Sara Boccocini Meadows. The children studied these artists and explored the medium through a range of exercises. They then used this inspiration to design their own gouache painting.  

English - The Highwayman


To finish the term in English we have looked at the narrative poem The Highwayman by Alfred Noyles. 

We have studied the poem looking at the different aspects of the poem and analysing the events. The children wrote love letters from the Highwayman to Bess and we will be using the story and characters as inspiration for our D&T week sustainable clothing projects. 

English - Clockwork


This term in English, we have been studying the book Clockwork by Philip Pullman. This is a gothic story broken down into three main parts. The children have been highly engaged in the book and enthusiastic to complete their learning. We wrote explanation texts and our own endings to the story with great success. 

PE - Hockey


This term we have had the pleasure of Neil coming to to teach us Hockey skills on a Friday afternoon. We have been developing our previously learned skills and fine tuning them. We chose our Hockey sticks based upon our height and recapped the correct way to hold the hockey sticks. Each week we worked on a different skill; controlling the ball, passing the ball, turning the ball. Additionally, we played a range of games to develop our attacking and defending skills like "Pirates". Thank you for the amazing lessons Neil! 

PE - Football 


This term, we have been lucky enough to have two coaches teaching our PE lessons. In football, we have had Mr Alfonso developing our football skills. Each week, we worked on a different skill; passing, dribbling, communication and teamwork. It was clear to see fantastic progress in all the children as the weeks progressed and a keen interest to play football in free time from all the pupils. Thank you Mr Alfonso for inspiring us in Year 5! 

Topic - How do rivers flow?


This term, we have been learning all about Rivers! We began our topic by immersing ourselves literally in a river - The River Darent. We have since learned how rivers are formed, how they change our landscape, the uses of the river and the impact of flooding. 




Year 4 - Term 6

DT - Purse Making

This term, Year 4 have been looking at fasteners and evaluating what would make an effective one to use on a purse. We started the unit looking at Anglo-Saxon hook and loop purses and thought about what we could use to make it even more secure.

French - Transport

This term, Year 4 have been learning French phrases for different types of transport. Here the children are playing a matching pairs card game to match the French phrase to the English! Fantastique! 

Sports day 2023!

PE - Athletics

In preparation for sports day, Year 4 have been practising different activities for sports day including, javelin, long jump/triple jump, relay races, sprint races and long-distance running.

Viking invasion theatre workshop!

Year 4 and 5 took part in a special workshop from the Rainbow Theatre Company all about the Vikings! They performed different parts of a play, which told a gripping story about a Viking invasion!

Howlett's Wild Animal Park

Year 4 had a fantastic day at Howletts, we had a talk from a specialist keeper about plants and habitats, saw many exciting animals and had a chance to get close with the lemurs! It was a brilliant day and the children really enjoyed themselves!

Year 4 - Term 5

World Awareness Week 2023!

This year, we looked at Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Sikhism as part of World Awareness Week. We took part in a range of exciting activities including:

- Making Torah scrolls

- Trying out different foods that would be eaten during the Eid festival

- Having a virtual tour of a Synagogue

- Making mosaics based on 'Jonah and the Whale'

- Writing Holi poems

- Holi festival dancing

- Making Vaisakhi kites

...and many more fun activities! 

Art - This term, we have been looking at the work of real-life clay artist, Victor Spinski. The children have looked at a variety of techniques to add texture to their clay and had a go at making a real-life object that was important to them, or was based off of one of Spinski's pieces.

PE - Rounders

This term we have been practising how to throw and catch with a good aim to help us when fielding in rounders. We have also been learning the rules of rounders, working as a team and having fun out in the sun! 

Year 4 - Term 4

PE - Badminton

This term, we have been learning how to serve in badminton and playing mini-matches against our peers!

English - Danny the Champion of the World

Over Term 4 and 5, we are studying 'Danny the Champion of the World' by Roald Dahl. We have written play scripts, instruction texts and and alternative story ending! During the beginning of the book, Danny's father creates extraordinary stories up for Danny at bedtime. We had a go at making our own stories up and acting them out, some children made objects such as chairs and tables come to life!

Science - Particle Theory

Over Term 3 and 4 we are looking at solids, liquids and gases. We have been taking part in exciting experiments, including whoosh bottles, exploding bags and looking at non-Newtonion substances!

DT - Ferris Wheels

This term, we have been looking at different motions made by levers, gears and pulleys and have created our own Ferris Wheels! We planned the Ferris wheels so that the carts would stay upright, whilst the Ferris wheel was moving, so our passengers stayed safe. We explored different motions by making moving flags initially, to see how levers can change movements.

Topic - Italy

This term has been super exciting as we have learned all about Italy! We have looked at its location on a map, the climate, what schools are like, popular food/drink and famous landmarks/historians from Italy! Here are some pictures of our yummy pizza making day! 

RE - Salvation

This term we have been exploring the key question - why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? We have looked at the Bible passages about the Last Supper and discussed how it should have been a joyful celebration about the freedom of Jewish people by God but the atmosphere soon changed after Judas betrayed Jesus. We shared bread and squash to symbolise the Last Supper.

Reverend Simon answering the children's questions about Maundy Thursday

Year 4 - Term 3

Maths - Multiplication and Division

In maths, we have been using manipulatives and looking at formal methods to work out multiplication and division facts. We have been splitting numbers into their Th, H, T and O and using columns to help work out big maths problems!

Science - Particle Theory

Over Term 3 and 4 we are looking at solids, liquids and gases. We have been taking part in exciting experiments, including whoosh bottles, exploding bags and looking at non-Newtonion substances!

Topic - Romans

This term, Year 4 have been exploring the Romans! We have created our own shields and made formations, just like the Roman army would have done! We looked at Roman roads, the Roman invasion and Boudicca's resistance!

Year 4 - Term 2

Christmas Sing-a-long

Year 3 and 4 took part in the Christmas Sing-a-long to members of the Bapchild church and community, it was a lovely event enjoyed by all. The children did an excellent job singing and using Makaton to many Christmas classics!

Christmas alphabet

Still image for this video

Snow is falling

Still image for this video


The children created their own Christingles, using sweets/raisins, cocktail sticks and red tape/ribbon.

Science - Look at our egg-citing experiment! The children all used different materials to make a parachute for an egg, as we have been learning about air resistance, then we dropped them from a height!

Maths - This term, the children have been learning multiplication and division facts, we have used base 10, arrays and number games to help recall and understanding of each times table! 

Art week 2022 (7-11th November) -

Year 4 have been looking at the work of Inge Jacobsen.

Jacobsen takes mass produced images, like magazines and adverts and gives them a unique makeover. She stitches, embroiders, cuts and collages to transform her subjects.

Year 4 started this week learning how to thread a needle and tie a knot in the end of the thread. The children then moved on to practise different embroidery techniques (running, back and satin stitch). Finally, the children created a piece of embroidery art using self-portraits and tried using the running stitch with colours that match the colours in our images.

 Year 4 had the chance to sketch ‘Sol LeWitt Upside Down’ by Haegue Yang, 1971, during their trip to the Tate Modern. It was a large piece made with different types of metals. The children all sat at different points around the room, so no two sketches will be the same!

Year 4 have had a brilliant art week – enjoy exploring their work!

Year 4 - Term 1


French - This term, Year 4 have been learning French greetings and colours. We have been having conversations around the classroom with our peers and have played French bingo too!

Science - This term (and next term), Year 4 have been learning all about forces! We have taken part in some really exciting experiments, testing friction, air resistance, air pressure and gravity! 

RE - This term we have been learning about the creation story! Year 4 have been exploring each day of creation and the beautiful world God created. We have completed a nature trail around the school, noting down all the different plants and insects we could find, then had a class discussion about how we could help look after them all. Year 4 have also had a go at 'hot seating' the important figures from the bible story of Adam and Eve, trying to answer some tough questions!

Art - This term, we have been creating our own volcano art, focusing on the style of the artist Nick Rowlands. We have also been exploring pop art styles and created our own piece of pop art!

Maths - In maths this term we have been learning about place value and column addition/subtraction. We have used a range of resources to help us understand thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. We have also been practising the MTC, which can be found here - MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -

Performance Poetry


We have been focusing on a bit of cross-curricular learning and combined our English focus of Poetry with our Topic focus on the stone age to perform a Stone Age Poem called 'The Quarry.'

Science Week

For science week, we focused our attention on all the things which grow. In Year 3, we specifically focused on Plants. Here our some final pictures of our science experiment after we dissected a flower.

We were even lucky enough to have our family and friends come and join us for an afternoon at the end of the week, on the digestive system. It was filled with laughter, fun and a very messy activity.

The Stone Age!

Our topic for the next two terms is the Stone Age!

Over the last couple of weeks, we've looked at what life was like during the Stone Age. We thought about what types of clothing they would have worn? What they would have eaten? How they would have gathered their food? Where they would have lived?


Have a look below at some of the work we've created.

Alongside our topic for this term being about the Stone Age. We have also focused about famous artists during this time. We spent some time in Art learning about the Lion Man. The sculpture was carved from mammoth ivory and represents a figurine which combines human traits with the features of an animal, mostly likely a cat.


Here are some examples of our drawings.

Claude Monet

In our first two terms of Year 3, we have focused on the famous artist Claude Monet. We studied where we was from and all the different techniques he used when creating his masterpieces. We then took the inspiration to explore watercolour paints to develop our own interpretations of Claude Monet's famous bridge drawing.


Please take this opportunity to have a look at our interpretations.

Welcome to Year 2 2020

Meet the Teachers Welcome Video 


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School Trip 2021

Howletts Widlife Park

We had such an amazing time on our school trip at Howletts, we saw so many animals and the zoo keepers gave us a lot of information about them. Enjoy looking through our photographs of our wonderful day! 

Sports Day 2021!

The children were all amazing and did so well in sports day 2021! We are super proud of everybody's effort, perseverance, determination and good sportsmanship. Well done to York for winning the event!

Pentecost Party

In the afternoon we had lots of fun celebrating Pentecost and all the birthday celebrations that were missed during lockdown. We got creative making flame hats and windmills, both representing part of the Pentecost story. We then made a whole class paperchain with every child making five links with the names of those they love written on them. We then all had a cupcake and we sang happy birthday to every child. There was just time for a couple of games outside before home time. What a fantastic day!

Easter Bonnet Competition 2021!

Well done to our Easter Bonnet Winners.... Scarlett and Kit

Well done to our best decorated Egg winner... Lakisha

Easter Service 2021

This year the theme of our school Easter Service was hot cross buns. In Year 2 we thought about the how the hot cross buns rise in the oven and how this represents Jesus rising from the dead. We read the bible verse below and we had made hot cross bun acrostic poems with the words risen.

Mark 16

1 When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus’ body. 2Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3 and they asked each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” 4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. 5 As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. 6 “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7 But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’ ” 8 Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb.



Term 6
Our Traction Man inspired stories are looking in fantastic!
Some pictures from our Sports Morning. Brilliant effort from everyone - well done!
Postcards from our pretend school trip to Paris today. 
Finished Polar Bear sculptures!
Polar Bear sculptures in progress...
We have been learning about hot and cold colours. Have a look at our beautiful Hot Dogs and Cool Cats. 
Some snippets of video from our “Owl and the Pussycat” themed Class Worship this afternoon. Enjoy!


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Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video
We have made our own illustrations for Edward Lear’s poem “The Owl and the Pussycat”.
The Flower Fairies helped us identify flowers in the garden today. 
We are going to miss our chicks when they leave tomorrow so we made our own fluffy pom-pom chicks to remind us of them. 
Watching our eggs hatch. 


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A socially distanced music lesson.


We made pictures using real leaves and flowers inspired by our new book “Wild” by Emily Hughes. 

Home Learning

(Updated 22/03/2020)

Please click on the Power Point or the PDF version below to access the home learning guidance for this class.

Term 4
In case you didn’t take your Mother’s Day cards home on Friday, here they all are. So beautiful!
Our first Ukelele lesson. We loved it! Thank you Mrs Julier!
Here is our Sleeping Beauty story map. Can you use it to retell the story?
Fantastic costumes for World Book Day!
Term 3
In Science this term we have been learning about Materials. Here we are testing materials to see which are waterproof and which are the most absorbent. We then thought about which material would make the best raincoat for Tidy Teddy. Foil was waterproof but tears easily.  We needed to find a material which was strong as well as waterproof. 
Each term we do an observational drawing in our sketch books. This term the subject is “My Shoe”. 
Term 2
Here we are on the way to our Christmas service at the church.
Christmas dinner! And our hats doubled as a Maths lesson in repeating patterns.
What a lot of lovely angels and innkeepers ready for our Nativity Play.
We have been looking at 3D shapes in Maths. We went on a hunt around the school to spot 3D shapes in the environment.
A new display of our fabulous favourite toy pictures to replace our equally beautiful Rainbow Fish. 
Have a look at some photos from our first gymnastics lesson at Faversham Gym. We are so lucky to get to use all the fantastic equipment there!

Design &Technology Week 2019

We began our week with a visit to the garage on London Road. We looked at the new cars in the showroom, inspected an engine and watched the mechanics fixing cars in the workshop. 

We learned to name the parts of a car and then applied our new vocabulary to labelling a real car. 
Here are some Year 1s with their car-building teams and some photos from the Grande Finale races. 
To support our new book Dogger, we brought our own favourite cuddly toys to school. Here they are helping with our Maths!
In Science we have been learning to identify birds. Can you recognise these birds from our paintings?
Term 1
Here are some pictures from Harvest Festival this morning and the story map we used to help us perform “The King’s Breakfast” by AA Milne. Can you remember all the words?
These are the big paintings we made to help us with ideas for our colour-themed senses poems and a class poem we planned and wrote together about the colour yellow. 
In Science, we have been learning about how trees change in the different seasons. We are waiting for the leaves to change colour and fall to the ground so that we know that it is Autumn.

We have been learning to tell the story of The Little Red Hen, using actions and a story map. Ask for a performance!

We also made our own bread using flour that we ground ourselves, just like the Little Red Hen. It was delicious and very professional looking!

Memories of our time in Ramsey Class (Reception)


We have continued our theme of journeys this week enjoying stories like ‘The Naughty Bus’ and ‘The Train Ride.’ We have drawn pictures of where we would like to travel to and painted our faces ready for our journey on our imaginary class bus. In Maths we have been learning about direction and building our own obstacle courses to direct a toy and each other through.
We have started our new theme about journeys and transport. We enjoyed our book ‘You Can’t Take an Elephant on a Bus’ and wrote interesting sentences about the types of animals that can’t go on the bus and why. In Maths we have been learning to read and write number to 100. We have also made bike as part of the story ‘Mrs Armitage on Wheels’ and enjoyed our new part of the outside classroom.
We have had a super busy week with both Sports Day as well as our first ever class worship on superheroes and everyday heroes. In Maths we have been busy counting in twos and working on creating repeating patterns. In Literacy we have been focusing on the parts of a plant.
Mrs Daly and I were so proud of your amazing achievements in Sports day. Well done.
This week we began our theme of growing plants. We enjoyed the story of ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and wrote instructions for planting a bean seed. We also planted our own sunflower seeds, painted our own sunflowers and explored and tasted fruits with seeds.
We have enjoyed continuing with our superhero theme. We wrote about the superhero power we would most like to have. We also printed our own vegetable superhero picture and made our own superhero vegetable like in our class book ‘Supertato’. We have created our own superhero scene, making the props to go with it and had a fun day dressed up as superheroes.
We have started our theme of superheroes. We have enjoyed making superhero masks and role playing being a superhero. We have told stories about being a superhero as well as writing about how we can be an everyday superhero.
We enjoyed our visit from a veterinary nurse as part of our learning this week about people who help us. We learnt about the microchips dogs have in their necks to help the vet find out who they belong to if they get lost. We found out how we check a dog if they are feeling poorly by looking in their eyes and ears as well as practising our bandaging skills and stroking a guinea pig.
This week we have been exploring the story of ‘The Very Helpful Hedgehog.’ We have enjoyed making our own hedgehogs, retelling the story and making our own thank you cards. In Maths we have been trying hard to count on from a number when adding. We have also enjoyed exploring different equipment in P.E.
 This week we have been learning about the lifecycle of a frog and enjoyed the story ‘Tadpole’s Promise’. We have used sequencing words to write about the lifecycle of a frog and had lots of fun making our own frogspawn. In maths we have been learning about time and using the clocks to tell our friends what we do at certain times.
We have been learning about the story of ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. We have written sentences to describe the butterfly lifecycle and made fruit skewers to remind us of the importance of healthy eating. We have also enjoyed our first yoga session.
We have started the term by learning about new life. We have looked at how some living things are born from eggs and others are born live from their mummies. We have also enjoyed making edible nests. In Maths we have been exploring doubling.
It has been a busy end to the term. The children’s Easter bonnets and eggs looked amazing. Well done our winners. We came into our classroom on the last day of term to see that we had, had a visit from the Easter bunny. We also enjoyed a Easter egg hunt in the secret garden and found a little treat inside.
The children sang their creation song amazingly at the Easter church service and looked great in their creation themed headbands. We were so proud of them all.
We have been busy exploring our new garden centre as well as planting seeds to brighten up our outside classroom.
We have started our new theme of spring. We enjoyed a lovely walk in the school grounds spotting signs of spring and spent time discussing what it is we look forward to in spring.
We had a lovely time on our trip to Wingham Wildlife Park as part of our science week. We have enjoyed learning lots about dinosaurs. We have written about the features of different dinosaurs, created our own dinosaur stories and completed lots of dinosaur craft activities.
We have enjoyed learning about pancake day. We have written instructions using sequencing words and made our very own pancakes. It was lots of fun.
This week have enjoyed a wonderful day dressed up as our favourite book characters for World Book Day. During the day we have taken part in a wide variety of activities. Well done Scarlett and Theo our class winners.
 We have started term four looking at food and cooking. We have written instructions on how to make a sandwich and then had a go at making our own. We have also written and drawn about our own favourite sandwich as well as a disgusting one.
We have tasted different types of breads, made our own bread and enjoyed eating it.
We have been learning about Chinese New Year and comparing it to our family traditions. We have enjoyed playing in our Chinese restaurant role play, making dragon masks and decorations. We had great fun tasting a range of Chinese foods. 
We went on a walk to the fruit and vegetable shop in the village to buy our snack and use our learning about money. We paid for our fruit with a 20p. It was a very cold day so we enjoyed a hot chocolate when we got back.
We took part in our first Godly Play session and learnt about the Holy Family. We enjoyed lots of fun activities afterwards.
We have began this term by looking at winter and the things around us that tell us it is here. We went on a winter walk to see if we could spot the signs in our environment. We shared a story about a bear’s winter house and then explored making shelters of our own for different animals. We have also looked at the types of animals that live in winter weather all year round.
We had lots of firsts this week. We enjoyed our first school Christmas dinner, took part in our first Christmas service, made our first Christingle and had our first Christmas party. 
We enjoyed dressing up and taking part in our first nativity. Mrs Daly and Mrs Coffey were so proud.
Well done Felix and Maya for being our good work pupils for this term.
We have had a lovely time decorating the school Christmas tree with our handmade decorations in worship. We also took part in our first dress rehearsal for our nativity.
We have continued our learning about space this week with the text ‘Here comes the aliens’. We have written labels to help the aliens know what things on earth are called as well as thinking about what we would tell an alien about how we keep healthy. We have also made planets, created aliens and weighed space objects.
Well done Evelyn for being our Jackson Award winner this term for being a kind, polite and thoughtful member of the class.
We won Buster’s book club again this term. Well done Ramsey class for all that reading.
We have enjoyed reading the story ‘Whatever Next’. We have acted it out, made space pictures on the computer and built rockets like in the story.
This week we decorated biscuits for Children in Need and enjoyed eating them afterwards.
Some of our star readers so far this term. Well done.
We have been enjoying lots of arts and crafts during our art week. We have created pictures in the style of the artist Piet Mondrian, made firework pictures and rockets as well as divas.
A great start to term two, we won Buster’s book club. We have been trying really hard with our sounds and reading our books.
Our maths and writing has improved lots too.
This week we have learnt our first sounds and have been busy writing them in different ways.
We have been busy learning to recognise our numbers to 10 and beyond.
We enjoyed our welcome service where we performed our starting school poem and received our very first children’s bible. Our harvest festival celebration in the school was lots of fun too.

Articulation of Phonemes

A useful video clip showing the correct 'pure' pronounciation of phonemes (units of sound).

Jolly Phonics Sound Songs

Songs to help your child learn their sounds in a fun way!

Our first few weeks at school have been very busy. We have been practising our counting of different objects, learning to recognise and write our names as well as making lots of new friends.

We have had some exciting changes over the summer. Our inside classroom looks very different now. Here is a sneaky peek.

Our outside classroom has had some new additions too.

