Term 5 - Islam
Today we looked at 'Salah' one of the Five Pillars of Islam. This Pillar reminds Muslims about the importance of prayer. Muslims pray 5 times a day to Allah. In class some of us chose to use our class prayer mat to carry out the Muslim prayer ritual, which included washing our hands first.
Our Easter Trail
The Easter Story
This afternoon we went on an Easter trail with Rev. Simon. We decorated rocks to make them look joyful, we travelled through the Easter story and placed our rocks at the end of the trail in our Easter garden. We would like to thank Rev. Simon, Jo Apps and Mrs Green for organising this trail it was a wonderful afternoon.
Collective Worship
Today Rev. Simon came into Year 2 to lead our worship. He reminded us of the importance of the Easter story. Rev. Simon asked the question; Have you ever said you would do something and not done it?
As a class we shared ideas and explored of some of the promises we have made. Rev. Simon shared the story about one of Jesus’ special friends, Peter. Peter was Jesus’ Main disciple and Jesus knew he could trust Peter. Peter had promised to follow Jesus, but later denied Jesus 3 times. (Luke 22:33-66)
Even though Peter made a promise to Jesus and then broke that promise, Jesus forgave him.
We had some reflection time to our previous question; Have you ever said you would do something and not done it? Perhaps if we have, then we should try to do the thing we had promised to do.

Family Worship- Term 4
We had a virtual family worship today with Rev. Simon. Thank you to all of the parents who joined us for the worship about this terms value Forgiveness.
Term 1 - Creation
We have been thinking about the story of Creation. We have drawn story maps to retell the story and acted out the story in groups. Watch our videos below to hear the story of creation.




Godly Play with Mrs Apps
Mrs Apps came in for Godly Play. She told us the creation story. We thought about what the creation story meant to us. Mrs Apps asked some questions of wonder. Did God need to create every day? Which day do you fit into? What day is the most important to you? After some reflection time we created our own creations.
Our class Creation walk.
Year 2 went on a walk around our beautiful school grounds. We looked around to find the wonderful things God created. Here are some pictures of our creation walk.
Our Class Value is Friendship
We thought about what makes a good friend? Are we good friends to one and other? How could we be a better friend? We also thought about how Jesus was a good friend.