Year 6 took some time out of the classroom to explore the geographical features of Bapchild Village. The pupils headed out to find different physical and man-made features and to generate questions about the area.
From Fizz Pop rockets, to electing House Captains, to releasing butterflies, to farm school and revising hard for PESE. The beginning of term has been a busy but wonderful start for our lovely Year 6 pupils.
Please find below some wonderful pictures of our Bushcraft day which was an extra special event! We had an exciting day of: building shelters, making water filters and lighting fires. Not quite ready to go on The Island with Bear Grylls - but not far off!
Welcome to our Year 6 page
Meet the Teacher Welcome Video
Welcome to our new Year 5 page
Year 5 Class Worship
On 22nd November, Year 5 shared our class worship with the rest of the school and our parents and carers. We decided to focus on growth mindset and our learning around it. We have looked at how having a growth mindset can positively impact on our learning and make us more resilient! By changing how we speak about our difficulties can change the result. Instead of saying 'I can't do it', try saying 'I can't do it yet'.
Our Trip to Horton Kirby!
During the first week, we were lucky enough to go on our first school trip as a new class to Horton Kirby, which tied in with our topic of Rivers for this term. We had so much fun and were praised for our exemplary behaviour. We went into the river and measured the different depths, raced rubber ducks, used microscopes to look at permeable and impermeable rocks and we used lego to create barriers for river beds.
Investigating in Science
World Awareness Week 2019
Exploding into our new Science topic
Our new topic is Geology, Mixtures and separation. This was our first teacher demonstration to investigate. We know what solutes, solvents and solutions are. Ask us how to make our data valid!
We had a wonderful visit from local author and illustrator, Katherine Turner! She inspired us to be storytellers!
Some super maths! Representing fractions on a place value grid
Our amazing Roman mosaics from last term!
Describing the position of dinosaurs on a grid - Science Week
World Book Day 2019!
Beckett’s favourite PE activity this term - Dodgeball
Internet Safety Day 2019
Learning about consent and being safe online
Learning about consent and being safe online
Learning about consent and being safe online
Learning about consent and being safe online
Learning about consent and being safe online
Learning about consent and being safe online
Learning about consent and being safe online
Trying our hardest in PE today
Fitness class together!
Brilliant effort in fitness today!
Money in Maths
Working out change
Working in pairs to give change
Getting to grips with values of coins
Giving change to a partner
Money money money in maths this morning
Converting pounds and pence
Another fun morning of science in Year 4! This term’s topic is science!
Creating our own circuits
Creating our own circuits
Creating our own circuits
That lightbulb moment!
Trying to create our own electrical circuits
How does electricity work?
Which taste is strongest?
Children that have pushed themselves and are working on a maths challenge
Painting the volcanoes that we made!
Welcome to our new Year 4 class page
We have been enjoying reading The Iron Man as a class and we will be writing some fantastic newspaper articles!
In maths, we are doing fractions and the children have enjoyed showing different representations of the same fraction.
Our topic this term is Mountains. There has been lots of art and geography linked to this!
Here are pictures of us exploring how adverbs are used in writing and action!
Welcome to Augustine class
We have had an excellent start to the new year. We will be learning about water this term through topic and exploring water colour in art. We have started with number and place value in maths. Through English we have been exploring narrative writing and report writing.
Through out the year you will be updated on our learning journey!
Gangsta Granny
This term year 3 have been studying the text Gangsta Granny by David Walliams. As part of this we have been lucky enough to go and see the production of this wonderful book live on stage! The children were able to enjoy this heart warming story come to life and really got involved with the audience participation. They were all really buzzing with excitement when the show ended and it certainly was a day we will remember!
Gangsta Granny
Augustine's Amazing Homework!
A big thank you to all the children and parents who put so much effort into these wonderful board games. The children have thoroughly enjoyed playing them and have worked well together when sharing instructions and following rules.
Board Games!
Faversham Gym!
This term we have been learning different skills in Gymnastics at Faversham Gym. This has been a great opportunity for the children to use a wide range of equipment and to develop some fantastic skills!
Faversham Gym
Science Week!
During Science week Augustine class focused on computer science. As part of this exciting week we went on a trip to London to the Science Museum. it was very exciting and the children had the opportunity to explore a range of ideas through the use of the wonder lab. This was a fantastic opportunity for the children to explore a range of ideas. On Tuesday we had a visit from a computer programmer, this is where we learnt all about binary as well as asking Steve lots of questions about being a computer programmer. We also learnt about famous computer scientists during the week and wrote biographies about them. We explored the idea of robots and had a go at building them. This was a fantastic week that we all loved!
Science Museum Trip!
Safer Internet Day!
Today (06-02-2018) we have been learning how to be safe online. As a class we have been thinking about our digital foot print. We enjoyed making our digital foot print thinking about all the different ways in which we might use the internet. We also took part in an activity that made us think about how we were all connected by our activity on the internet but also to think how at times this could make us vulnerable and to always check with an adult before doing something new on the internet. Here are some pictures of our activities.
Safer Internet Day!
Art Week
Augustine class would like to share their journey through art week.
Look at the pictures below to see all the wonderful things we created during art week.
We enjoyed exploring different mediums to draw with and really enjoyed looking light and dark with different light sources. We explored a range of Joseph Wright 'of Derby's' work and identified that most of his work revolves around one light source.
Art week
Bread making
This week we have been making bread in class. We enjoyed watching it rise and making rolls. We look forward to sharing them with you at Church on Thursday. We thought about the chemical reaction of the yeast and used our measuring skills to make the bread.
Bread making for harvest
Our Maths Story
This week in English we have been learning about the poet Michael Rosen. Today we have been in groups of five and we have been performing one of Michael Rosen's poems. It was called "Hand On The Bridge." Please take a look at our pictures below of us performing the poem.
Hand On The Bridge
On Friday 19th May 2017 Cranmer Class led the collective worship. We spoke about our school value, Friendship. We spoke about what makes a good friend and how Jesus was good friends with his 12 disciples.
Class worship- Friendship
As part of our English this term we have written newspaper reports and non-chronological reports based on an alien landing in Bapchild and Tonge.
We also met a special scientist Dr James Tennant who spoke to us about the alien artefacts.
Aliens land in Bapchild and Tonge
Our Class value is friendship
Our Class Value is Friendship
World Awareness Week
African Day
African Day for World Awarness Week
Oliver and the Seawigs
This term we have been reading a book called Oliver and the Seawigs.
We have just found out that there is a new island who is not very nice. The island's captain wants Cliff's submarine.
So today we have acted out this part in the story.
In English we have been looking at Instructions and today we showed that we can follow and give clear instructions.
As part of our RE topic, Hinduism we have been learning about some of their festivals. We have had a Diwali part and we have learnt a traditional Navaratri dance.
Welcome to our new Year 2 page.
In English today we read some poems, we practised reading them out loud, adding actions and using our voices to make them interesting. Then we performed them to the class.
Our work from Year 1
We have been making e-books of our favourite Traditional Tales. We have sequenced the stories, investigated different illustration styles, selected images from the internet and pasted them into Powerpoint documents and then added our own digital paintings. We have learnt to save files and then open them again for editing. We hope you like them!
We made symmetrical aliens. Can you read their names?
We learned to recite the poem The Owl and the Pussycat off by heart. You can hear us here and see some of our fantastic illustrations.
Have a look at some of our super work on display in our classroom.
Our version of Kandinsky's famous painting.
A map of where our food comes from.
Maths meets art.
The seven days of the Creation Story.
Here are some pictures from our Collective Worship. We really enjoyed singing and playing instruments and we learned a lot of facts about the four patron saints of the United Kingdom.
Our collective worship about the saints of the United Kingdom
Here we are counting our matchbox collections by circling the groups of ten and seeing how many ones are left over.
Welcome to the new Year 1 page
We celebrated the end of our English unit with a Tiger Tea party!
We invited Reception along to join in the fun and we had a visit from the Tiger him self.
The Tiger Who Came To Tea
Welcome to the year 1 page!
This term we have been learning through the topic ourselves. In English we have been learning through The Three Little Pigs and The Tiger Who Came To Tea. We have been learning to write labels, lists and captions. In Maths we have been learning about number and place value as well as addition and subtraction.
Charlotte's Web
This week (07.10.15) we were lucky enough to watch a performance about Charlotte's Web! We thoroughly enjoyed this production especially as we were in the front row! We enjoyed the story about friendship and talked about good friendships in class.
Charlotte's Webb production
Princesses and Knights Drama Workshop
We enjoyed taking part in a princesses and knights drama workshop. During this workshop we made a potion to help us fly as well as pretending to be statues to trick the witch! At the end we were knighted for being so brave and excellent actors.
Our princesses and knights drama day
Happy holidays to you all!
It has been a fantastic year in Reception and we thank you all for your hard work and support.
This is via email from the Highsted Girls
We would like to thank all parents for their contribution in our enterprise project. We thoroughly enjoyed the experience and we hope that they did too! It was great to see the amazing artwork your children can produce! Thank you for having us at your school and helping to make the experience worthwhile.
We hope you enjoyed our 'Jack and the Beanstalk' assembly
We have enjoyed Science week and learnt a lot about plants, growing and Mary Mary's garden even if our flowers did not change colour!
We have enjoyed decorating the covers of our new Maths Challenge Books this morning. These books are to take home and use to record our Maths activities in. Each challenge card has an open ended, problem solving type practical activity on it for you to tackle as a family. Do pop in if you have any queries. We hope you have fun completing the challenges!
Easter bonnets and decorations 2015
The rain cleared and we had a wonderful time at Wingham Wildlife Park.
More pictures to follow soon!
On Friday 20th March we shared a very special moment in time by watching the Solar Eclipse. We learnt about how and why an eclipse happens in class and cut and stuck our own planets and positioned them. We also listened to Mr Wood and the choir perform a very atmospheric song called ' Kiuya' about an African Sun God.
Comic Relief 2015
Roses are red,
Spiders are black.
Don't look now
This week we have tried our hand at woodwork. We have been clamping using the vice, hammering nails and sawing wood.
This week we have started thinking about hot places instead of cold ones. We are learning about jungles and jungle animals. Here are some of our playdough jungle animals.
We also enjoyed some time on the Big Field in the sunshine!
This is us enjoying some fabulous stories at the end of National Story Telling week. We also enjoyed a jungle story with Miss Mawston who came dressed as a tiger!!
National Storytelling Week
This week is National Story Telling week and was kicked off with a very exciting Assembly by Mrs Smith. Mr Kelly read us the beginning of one of his favourite books ' Paddington'. In class we finished the story and made some marmalade sandwiches as a treat!
Do join us for some storytelling on Friday 6th February at 2.30pm.