News and Events
Term 1 - Parents are invited into Nursery to make a Family Tree for our topic 'Who am I?'
Dates: Monday 30th September, Tuesday 1st October and Wednesday 2nd October at 2:30pm
We hope to see you all there :-)
The Nursery Team.
Harvest Festival - Wednesday 16th October at 2.45. We hope you can all join us at the church to celebrate!
Term 1 Newsletter
Term 2
This term we are looking at different celebrations. We will be investigating Diwali, Fireworks, birthdays and Christmas. This term parents are invited to join the children for the Nursery Christmas Nativity on Tuesday 17th December at 9.30 and on Wednesday 18th December for the Nursery Christmas party.
Term 2 Newsletter
Term 3
This term our topic is Is it true? We will be looking at different fancy characters and deciding if they are true. We also will be starting the new Neli language programme and we invite parents in to see how we use the stories to develop our language. Come and see our session on either Monday 10th February at 2.30 or Wednesday 12th February at 9.15.