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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.

Nursery Class Page

Nursery Sports morning

The nursery children had great fun joining in with our sports morning.  We were lucky to have lots of parents joining us to come and cheer the children on.  We had events like, the egg and spoon race, water carry race, throwing beans bags and an obstacle race.  The children then took part together in some running races.  Afterwards the Mum's and Dad's had a chance to race.

Jack and the beanstalk

We read the story Jack and the beanstalk and looked at how tall different things were.  We measured the children and added their height to our beanstalk in the classroom.

Jack and the beanstalk

Diddy Disciples Hidden Treasure

We read the Bible story Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13.44).  We talked about what did we treasure and decorated a love heart.  The children sent in pictures of the things they treasure from home.  Thea said "I treasure my brother."  Oscar said that he treasures his favourite toy dinosaur and his blanket.

Diddy Hidden treasure

Term 6

Goldilocks and the 3 Bears

This term our question is can you tell me a story?  Our first story was Goldilocks and the 3 bears.  We enjoyed listening to Lorraine telling us the story with the story board and then had a go at telling the story ourselves.  We decorated the 3 bears using porridge.

Goldilocks and the 3 bears

Term 5 Why do things change?

This term we have been looking at different things that change.  We started the term investigating what happens to frogs and exploring a froggy gloop with pretend tadpoles and froglets in. 

We then read the story ‘Going on a bear hunt’  and had fun exploring the different environments the children went through in the story.  We acted out the story in the garden in our own bear hunt trail.

Our next story was ‘The hungry caterpillar’.  We loved making our own caterpillars and butterflies and we even had some of our own live caterpillars to look after.  They have now turned into cocoons and we await them emerging into butterflies after half term.

We also took part in the school world awareness week WAW on the last week of term.  We had fun joining in with the skipping and the football and made African masks and Aboriginal dot pictures.

Easter Egg Hunting 🐥

Nursery Easter Service

Nursery led their own Easter Service at the church for parents. The children sang songs, danced, used makaton signs and they performed brilliantly. I wonder if the children can show you the sign for Hot Cross Bun?

Parents Morning- planting cress.

This morning it was lovely to see parents come in to make a yoghurt cress pot with their child. The children had fun decorating the pot and sprinkling cress seeds onto wet cotton wool. The children couldn't believe how tiny the seeds were! We hope you enjoy your cress and would love to see pictures of tapestry of your cress growing journey!



We have all dressed up as our favourite characters for world book day. Today we are going to write to our favourite Author Julia Donaldson. Our Nursery children wondered if the Gruffalo was real and where does he live?

Term 4- Where does it come from?

This term we will be looking at where things come from. We will start with the little Red hen and the Enormous turnip. The children have enjoyed milling their own flour and making their own turnip soup.

Welcome back to Term 3!

A warm welcome back everyone, we all hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! A huge welcome to our new children and families joining us this term, we are excited to meet you all and share our nursery journeys together.


This term we are thinking about ‘Is it true? We will be looking at a variety of books about Superheroes, Unicorns, Pirates and Dragons/Dinosaurs. We will be thinking about whether they were real or not and discovering true facts. We have a fun filled term ahead and we will be starting the Term looking at ’Supertato’  a much loved children's book, linking to superheroes! We will be designing our own superheroes and enjoying many superhero activities!  Happy Term 3 :-)


Below are some pictures of our first few days back into Nursery


Term 2 - Christmas fun! 🎄🎅⭐️


We have had so much fun learning about the true meaning of Christmas through the Nativity story. The children have rehearsed and practised together and performed their Nativity to parents so well. 👏⭐️ We also celebrated together at our Nursery Christmas party after our Christmas dinner together at school. Some of us went to the church to watch the older children perform at St Laurence's church in their key stage Christmas services. We have had so much fun and we wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎄🎁⭐️

Term 2 - Who's Having a Party?


This term our topic is ‘Who’s having a party?’ We will be looking at different celebrations happening this time of year including, fireworks, Diwali, Hanukkah, Birthdays and of course CHRISTMAS!! We have started the term by reading 'Remember Remember the 5th November.' Keep your eyes peeled for our firework creations! Towards the end of the Term we will be looking closely at the Nativity Story and learning about the true meaning of Christmas. We have booked in our own Nursery Nativity where the children will tell the nativity story. We hope to see you all there! Happy Term 2 everyone!


Family Tree Afternoon 

Thank you so much to parents and grandparents who came in for 'parents afternoon.' It was wonderful to see you and the children interacting and communicating about the people that are in their family. The children were keen to communicate and explain who the people are around them that are important to them. The children also created beautiful trees independently that are now on display in the Nursery! 

Harvest Festival

Well done Nursery you performed a beautiful Harvest Festival at St Laurence's Church. We were so pleased to see so many parents to come and watch and support us walking to the church so thank you so much! The children enthusiastically sang songs about vegetables and used Makaton signs throughout the songs. Well done Nursery!


We hope you all had a fantastic summer holidays and are ready to start the new academic year. We are excited to welcome returning families and our new families to Bapchild Nursery! A newsletter will come home soon explaining our learning and our upcoming adventures for Term 1. There are some pictures below of our exciting week 1. 

Term 6- Unicorns 🦄 

In Nursery we have been reading some stories based around our interests. This week we looked at unicorns reading the stories, Grumpycorn, Sugarlump and the Unicorn, Groovycorn, Pugicorn and Uni the Unicorn. The children have created their own horns for snack using ice cream cones, icing sugar and sprinkles. The children also used paint, glitter, cornflour and hair conditioner to make the most beautiful smelling unicorn poop! 🦄

Nursery Sports Day 2023!

The Nursery children were absolutely incredible participating in their sports day. The children all took part in an obstacles race, egg and spoon race, a water run, and a sprint. The children behaved impeccably and showed great sportsmanship cheering on their friends! The parents even had a race too ....after a lot of convincing and persuading! Well done to everyone involved 👏



The children have loved exploring dinosaurs! This topic was continued from last term as it was a common interest within the Nursery. The children went on dinosaur hunts, found Dino bones in the sand pit, rescued frozen dinosaurs in iced eggs, created imaginary play in the dinosaur swamp and used shapes to create their own dinosaurs. Here are some pictures of our learning below.


This week as a school we are exploring different world religions. Today we started to explore Christianity. The Nursery children went over to the church for a Godly Play session with Mrs Apps. Mrs apps read the parable of the mustard seed, and the children explored some play activities after. The children engaged very well with the story and even got to hear the church bells ring as we left.

Term 5- Dress up Day! 

This term we have looked at superheroes, unicorns, knights, princesses, dragons and aliens. We invited the children to come in dressed up and held a princess tea party. The children had so much fun and enjoyed dancing to their favourite 'superheroes unite' song. 

Term 5 - Is it true?


Aliens love underpants!


This week we have been looking at the story aliens love underpants! The children have enjoyed alien gloop, designing their own underpants using a range of different tools and materials. The children also created their own spaceships and hung many underpants on the washing line to see if we could catch the aliens in action. We thought we saw an aliens on the next door neighbours washing line! 

Term 4

Where do things come from?

This term we have had so much fun exploring where things come from. We have looked at the story of the Little Red Hen and milled our own grain to make flour, to bake bread. We have looked at where frogs come from and the life cycle of a frog. We have had so much fun making different froggy crafts and making our own frog spawn. We have also recently had fun planting our seeds and cannot wait for them to grow!

SNOW MUCH FUN!!!! ❄️ ⛄️ 

Term 4

World Book Day 📚 🌍 

Nursery dressed up for World Book Day as our favourite story characters. Can you guess who we are?

we are having so much fun sharing our favourite stories. 📚 

Term 3-

Why do things change?

This term we have looked at things that change such as seasons, butterflies and feelings. Have a look at the pictures below to see our fun filled term 3! We have looked at some lovely books such as ‘The very hungry caterpillar’, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ and ‘Tree.’ 🐛 🌳 🦋 🐻 🧊 ☀️ 🍂 🌸 

Party Week!!
This week we have celebrated birthdays. We decided to throw a nursery birthday party to link to our topic of celebrations. We made party invitations, birthday cards for our friends, party bunting, a huge birthday cake from boxes and we invited our parents in for a birthday tea party! We have had so much fun……….Happy birthday everyone!! 🎉🥳🎁🎈

Term 2

Children’s centre visit- Getting ready for winter!

Stevie came to visit us again this term to teach us all about getting ready for winter. We learned how to wash our hands properly to keep those germs away, we even learned a new hand washing song! Stevie also taught us the importance of wearing hats, coats, gloves and a scarf. We even practised putting them on independently. 

Term 2

What have you celebrated
Diwali 🪔 🎆 

We have started Term 2 by looking at Diwali, the festival of light. The children have enjoyed exploring numicon, coloured rice and pumpkin seeds to make Rangoli patterns. The children have also made diyas using clay and paper plates. The children learned about Mehndi and started to decorate their own hands prints. We have loved celebrating Diwali!

🎃 Pumpkin Moon - Bapchild 🎃

We had a lovely visit to Pumpkin Moon in Bapchild on Friday! The children enjoyed their trip out and were extremely well behaved. The children were excited to explore a field full of pumpkins of all different shapes, sizes, colours and textures. The children chose pumpkins, collected them in their wheelbarrows and took them back to nursery to explore. What a wonderful way to end the term!

Our Nursery children have had so much fun bringing in the Harvest. We have dug up our own vegetables and used them in our play. We have chopped them up in the mud kitchen and made potions with them. We went over the St Laurence’s for our harvest festival! We sang songs and gave thanks to God for all of our fruits and vegetables.

Term 1

Healthy Eating Week

This week we have enjoyed healthy eating week. We have explored a wide range of fruit and vegetables in our child led learning and explored many different food based texts. We read ‘Handa’s surprise’ and collected our own basket of unusual fruit. The children have printed with, played with, chopped and tasted many different fruit and vegetables. We were lucky enough to have Stevie from our local children’s centre to come in and deliver a healthy eating and oral hygiene session. The children had the chance to use toothbrushes to brush teeth and chop and eat healthy foods. We have linked our work this week to our Harvest festival which will is on next week. The children have described what the food taste, look, smell and feel like. Some children have enjoyed fruits they have never tasted before! 

Term 1 2022-2023

Welcome Back!
A huge warm welcome to all of our new families, we welcome you to Bapchild Nursery and we can’t wait to get to know you all. Welcome back to all of our returning families, we hope you had a wonderful summer enjoying the sunshine! We have had a very busy two weeks settling the children in and enjoying getting to know our new children. Here are some pictures of our learning and playing so far. 

Sports Day 2022!
Thank you to everybody who came to support our Nursery sports day. We had so much fun! The children were absolutely amazing and all did a great job in taking part. Thank you to all family members who came to support we hope you had as much fun as we did!! 👏😃🏃‍♀️🏃🏅

Term 6

Can you tell a story?
This term we are looking at some of our favourite stories. We started with the Three Little Pigs! The children have had great fun building houses outside using the blocks. We set up a little pigs construction site outside. The children filled it with straw, collected twigs and used our wooden blocks to set up houses in their construction site. The children enjoyed a lot of role play and turn taking with who got to be the big bad wolf. 

Term 5

Is it True?
Unicorn week 🦄 

This week has been unicorn week. We have had so much fun exploring and reading lots of different unicorn texts. Our big question was.. ‘are unicorns real?’ The children made their own unicorns using a range of resources such as paper palates and toilet tubes. Can you find your unicorn on our display? The children decorated their own backing paper for the display by splatting the paper with their choice of colours and tools. We also made unicorn poop using corn flour, paint and hair conditioner…. Who knew that unicorn poop smelt so glorious! We also made our own unicorn horns for snack…they were very yummy! The children also enjoyed a science experiment watching rainbow colours appear like magic when water is poured on skittles. It was a great activity for colour recognition and colour mixing.


Pirate Week 🏴‍☠️
The children have explored and listened to a variety of pirate stories this week. We have thought about if pirates were real or not. We discovered pirates are real and pirates still exist today, however, they do not look like the pirates we see in story books. We have been on number treasure hunts, dug for treasure, made pirate eye patches, spy glasses and hats! We even created our own pirate ship out of crates, planks and materials!   

Term 5

Sharing stories with Year 5


On a Tuesday afternoon for this term we are lucky enough to have some of our lovely Year 5 children come into the nursery to share stories with us. The children each have a reading buddy and they read them stories in the nursery. All children really enjoyed this time and shared many books.

Term 5

Is it true?

This term we will be looking at our topic question of ‘is it true?’ We will be looking at dinosaurs, dragons, unicorns, pirates and superheroes. During this topic we will be thinking about if these things are real or not. We have started with dinosaur week. Some of younger children used their fine motor skills using tweezers to rescue the dinosaurs from the swamp of Jelly!


We explored different materials to continue the sequence of the that’s not my dinosaur book. We used words such as bumpy, rough, smooth, hard, soft, fluffy and prickly to describe the materials. 🦕 

More Dino fun……… we have been making our own fossils out of salt dough, rescuing dinosaurs from tape and ice using real tools and we went on a Dino hunt! 🦖 🦕 

We have also been using brushes and tools to dig for dinosaurs in our sand pit! We have been trying very hard to name the dinosaurs but some of them have very long tricky names! We also used some boxes and materials to make our own dinosaur den. We worked together to make then den and played with the dinosaurs inside. 

Our Easter Service

Our Nursery children were absolutely amazing performing at their first Easter service. They sang the songs beautifully and joined in with the actions well. They all looked absolutely adorable in their little bunny ear hats! Well done Nursery!

Term 4

Growing Frogs

This term we were reading the story ‘Growing Frogs’ by Vivian French. We have been closely watching them everyday and learning about the lifecycle of a frog. 

Term 4

Where does it come from?

This term we will be exploring where things come from. We have started by looking and where plants come from. We read the story the tiny seed and were inspired to create our own potting shed where we can plants our own seeds independently! We also planted cress in pots. We decorated the pots with a smiley face and the cress will grow to become their hair!

Why do things change?

The Hungry Caterpillar

This week we have enjoyed the story the hungry caterpillar. The children have enjoyed learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and how the caterpillar changes into a beautiful butterfly. The children have made their own representations of the life cycles

using different shaped pasta to represent the different stages of the life cycle.

Chinese New Year

2022- 🐅 

In nursery we have been learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year. We read stories, discovered the animals and the sequence if the zodiac year. Our activities yesterday were based around the Chinese New Year, we had dancing, fine motor activities using chop sticks, Chinese painting, digging for gold coins and much more. Look through our pictures below to see how we celebrated the Chinese New Year. 

Term 3

Whys do thing change?

This term we are looking at why things change. This question provides many learning opportunities based around a variety of texts. Some of the texts we will be looking at are, Jack and the beanstalk, Tattybogle, Paper dolls, Seasons come, Seasons Go Tree and When I grow up!

We will be looking closely at seasons, growing and testing materials to see what changes take place.



By Sandra Horn and Ken Brown

The children  thoroughly enjoyed the story of Tattybogle. They were able to recognise the changes that took place in the story and we discussed the process of growing that took place. The children were keen to make their own scarecrows for our outside area. They chose materials they wanted to use and and thought of ways to make our scarecrow long lasting, unlike Tattybogle in the story.

Jack and the Beanstalk

This story is one of the children's favourites story. We read the story and thought about how and why the beanstalk changed? We planted our own bean seeds and have been watching the changes that have taken place. The children use their deconstructed role play equipment to make a giants castle outside. They used a variety of materials, tools and boxes to make a castle and beanstalk. They all enjoyed joining in with the repeated line, "Fee Fi Fo Fum...I smell the blood of an Englishman!"

Dinosaur escape!!

The children were exploring how materials can change. They had small dinosaurs frozen in ice and they had to investigate how they could melt the ice to free the dinosaurs! The children used tools, salt and water to see which melted the ice quicker. The children found out if they submerged the ice in a bucket of water it melted very fast! 

Term 2 2021

Who's having a party?

This term we are thinking about the question , who's having a party? We will be looking at many different celebrations during this time of year including, fireworks, Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas! We have already created a firework display to go inside the main school. Can you spot your firework rocket?

Nursery Nativity

The Nursery children took part in their first ever Nativity. The children performed the Nativity to the Governors and parents. The children were absolutely amazing and told the story of the birth of Baby Jesus with confidence and enthusiasm!

Birthday Week!

This week we were looking at how we celebrate birthdays. We read the book, 'How do Dinosaurs say Happy Birthday.' The children really enjoyed creating their own birthday cards and mark making inside. They made party hats and party food for our own special Nursery birthday party! We danced, played games, had pass the parcel and had sang Happy Birthday! Here our some pictures of our playing and learning for birthday week!

Welcome back Nursery!

 Term 1 2021

Topic - Who am I?

Our topic this term is ‘Who am I?’ - It is all about ourselves, our families and all different kinds of people. We will explore differences and similarities in people and think about what makes us unique. We will also be inviting parents in this term to make a family tree with your child for our classroom display. Some of the text we have looked at are 'Super Duper You, Funny Bones, All different kinds of People, Only one you, Who's in my Family? and My Grandpa.' 


We have been making our own super duper mini me's, exploring what make us super! We have printed our hands prints using paint, exploring differences in the size of our hand prints. The children have also enjoyed dancing to the skeleton dance, labelling parts of the body. The children were really confident in explaining what made them unique and different to others.



We have also read the story 'Only One You' the children loved this story and thoroughly enjoyed making their own unique fish collages. The children thought about the messages in the story and started to think of their own motivational messages that would make the world a better place. We have made our motivational fish into fish mobiles we where can see these positive messages everyday!

Learning, exploring and playing is what we love to do, here are some pictures of us throughout our days so far in Term 1! We are always super busy!

Harvest Festival 

This year the Nursery children took part in their first ever Harvest Festival service. Rev. Simon came in to lead the service and the children performed two harvest songs and a harvest prayer. The children also made some fruit and vegetable collages which inspired us to give thanks to God for the foods we have. The children were all absolutely amazing and were so confident in front of parents and governors performing their Harvest songs. We are all super proud of you! Well done Nusery!



The children were very lucky that they were able to go to PYO Pumpkin for the afternoon. Thank you to everybody who came and joined in with the fun! Even though it was very windy and rained very hard we managed to spot a variety of pumpkins all different shapes, sizes and colours. We enjoyed collecting our own pumpkins to bring back to explore further. We also enjoyed reading the story 'Pick a pumpkin' altogether at the end...even if it did feel like the marquee was about to blow away!!

Family Tree Afternoon

Thank you to everyone for creating beautiful family trees with your children. We LOVED having you all in for a craft afternoon and the Family Trees have taken a proud place at the front of our classroom! It was wonderful to hear the lovely conversations identifying who is in your family. Can you spot yours?

Nursery School Trip

Yew Tree Farm School

This week we have been on our school trip to Yew Tree Farm School. We explored the farm and met the different animals they have there. We fed the chickens, ducks and geese...they were very noisy! We made them treat garlands using different fruit and vegetables and we hung them onto low branches so the chickens could reach them! We met Iris the puppy farm dog, she was very cute but kept tormenting Maisie the Shetland pony. We fed Maisie some hay as well as Rose the calf. We held baby chicks and guinea pigs and learned a lot about the different animals. We all had such an amazing time and can not wait to learn more about farm animals in our play and busy time.




Sports Day 2021!!

It was our first ever sports on Monday. The children all participated in an egg and spoon race, a bean bag shuttle race, an obstacle course, a water race and a sprinting race. The children had great fun and showed such enthusiasm and determination. Well done Nursery!


Term 6

Can you tell me a story?

This term we have been reading traditional tales and retelling these stories to our friends and adults. We have been using story language in our play and creating props to make up and retell stories. We have explored growing our own peas and explored lots of natural art. We have particularly enjoyed reading Jack and the Beanstalk, we made our own beanstalks and mini me Jacks. As part of our busy time we also set up a stage and performed the story to our friends.

Term 5

Is It True?

This term we are thinking about all things mythical such as dragons and mermaids. The children have also shown an interest in dinosaurs and fairies. We are exploring these interests through lots of play and exciting stories. See below for all the term 5 fun! 

Dinosaur Footprints

The children have been using toy dinosaurs and paint to create dinosaur footprints. They used different colours and different footprint shapes to print onto the paper. We then thought about how we could we make dinosaur footprints? We decided to take off our shoes, paint our feet and print our own 'dinosaur stomps' onto paper.

Green Jelly Dinosaur Swamp -

Today the children explored a dinosaur swamp. They enjoyed messy play with the green jelly and playing with the dinosaurs in imaginative role play. We discussed how 'big' or 'small' each dinosaur was. As a group we then ordered the dinosaurs from biggest to smallest.

Dragon Biscuits 

Off they flew, zig zagging through the blue!

The children have been reading Zog this week and learning about the exciting world of dragons! This learning wouldn't be complete without some dragon biscuits. The children enjoyed working together to create their delicious biscuits. 

Dragon Biscuits

Process Art


We have been using our whole bodies to paint across a large area. The children have used a range of painting tools, to create texture and pattern. They have explored the feel and the look of the paint. The children painted on a large clear plastic canvas, they made observations about colour as well as looking through the plastic to paint what they could see. Children used their hands as well as tools to explore the paint. Children commented on colour mixing and how the colours were changing as the built on and painted over their creations.

Above all else we had lots of FUN!  

Making Ice Cream! 

We have been reading the story "There's A Dragon In My Book!" In the story children are encouraged to use their imagination to come up with some food the dragon might like. It turns out the dragon loves ice cream with sprinkles. So we made some ice cream for snack! Children made the mixture and then placed it in a bag inside some ice and began to churn it until it went hard. Children talked about how clod the ice was and used language like; cold, hard, liquid, runny, icy, crunchy. 

Ice Cream

Making Kites 

The weather was windy and the wind blew with all it's at Bapchild & Tonge Nursery we made kites!

The children selected which material they though would be the best, they chose different ways of supporting it and attaching their string. Once they were made we had great fun racing around and watching them fly.  

Making Kites - Which material is best?

Our Classroom


We have worked with Early Excellence to design and provide a really exciting space for all of our children to learn. Here are some pictures of our new equipment. 
