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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.

Reception Class 2024/25

Welcome to the Reception Class Page 2024/25

Christmas Service 2024

Come Together in Jesus

This year’s overall theme for the Christmas Church Service was coming together.

Thank you so much for coming together with us at the church service we were so pleased to see so many parents there! Happy Christmas everyone!


Here are some pictures from our Christmas Party. We has so much fun celebrating with our friends, we played games, won prizes, danced and had a lot of festive fun!

Winter Walk 


After reading the story of 'The Jolly Christmas Postman', we had a call from our local Post officer to say he was poorly and needed our help to deliver some letters and parcels to people in the Village. So we went on a walk to help him out. First we went to deliver some apples to Rev. Simon, next we posted our letters to Santa, afterwards we posted some letters in the post box for Mrs Barwick, then we delivered parcels to Mrs Mitchell and Mrs Lingham. We noticed that we were at the back of the school field and could see Year 2 doing PE!

On our way home, we took a walk in the field to see what it looked like and to look at our tree. We noticed that there wasn't much growing and that the tree had no leaves. I wonder how it will have changed the next time we visit? 

When we returned to school, we made some amazing maps of the journey we took around the village. 

Term 2


During Term 2, we looked at the big question 'What makes a journey Special?'

We started by listening to the story of Rama and Sita and the special journey they took and how Hindu people celebrate 'Diwali' which is known as the festival of light. We read the story 'Whatever Next?' and created our own vehicles and stories about different journeys. The children showed a real interest in space so we looked at books and created our own planets.

We celebrated Art Week by looking at the picture 'A Regatta on the Grand Canal' by Canaletto. We created our own artwork and created boat sculptures. We read the story 'On the Way Home' by Jill Murphy and made our own story excuses and used playdough to create characters and watercolour paints to create our illustrations. We then read the traditional tale 'Hansel and Gretel' and looked at the journey they took. Some of our adults came in to help us build our own sweetie houses. The story 'Who is coming to our house?' is all about the Nativity story and Mary and Joseph's special journey to Bethlehem. We thought about our journeys we take at Christmas and the jobs that need to get done in preparation for the big day! 

In maths we have looked at numbers up to 5 and circles, triangles, squares and rectangles. 

Harvest Festival 2024


This year we were raising money at Harvest time to support the charity ‘Toilet Twinning’ so we can help ‘flush away poverty, one toilet at a time’. we can twin one of our school toilets with somewhere that really needs one. We can help fund a project in a poor community that will enable families to build a basic toilet, have access to clean water and learn about hygiene.

This morning at the church we sang a song and said prayer! We enjoyed watching all of the older children too.


Welcome to Ramsey Class!


The children have settled in really well during their first weeks at 'Big School'. They have been exploring the environment and making good relationships with the adults and children in and around their classroom. 

Here are some photos of us enjoying starting school. 

We have started our phonics learning and have learnt sounds s, a, t, p, i and n. We have been practising segmenting and blending words with these sounds like s-a-t, p-i-n and t-a-p'. The children are enjoying taking home their first books to read with their grown ups. 



In our maths learning, we have been focusing on matching, sorting and comparing. The children have found matching pairs and sets and sorting objects in different ways. How many ways can you think of to sort buttons? 

In our RE learning, we went to visit the Church. Rev. Simon talked to us about what happens in a Church and showed us some of the special things that are found in Churches. The children have learnt that Christians visit Churches to worship God. The Bible is a special book full of stories about Jesus. God is very special to Christians and he has many names like Father, Lord, Almighty and Creator. 

We have been reading the book 'Can I build another me?' We have been thinking about who we are, our likes and our dislikes, things we can and can't do and how we have changed since we were babies. We thought about what we would be like when we grew up. The children thought about what jobs they might do when they grow up and explored different roles and uniforms in their play. 
