Reception Class 2024/25
Welcome to the Reception Class Page 2024/25
Welcome to Ramsey Class!
The children have settled in really well during their first weeks at 'Big School'. They have been exploring the environment and making good relationships with the adults and children in and around their classroom.
Here are some photos of us enjoying starting school.
We have started our phonics learning and have learnt sounds s, a, t, p, i and n. We have been practising segmenting and blending words with these sounds like s-a-t, p-i-n and t-a-p'. The children are enjoying taking home their first books to read with their grown ups.
In our maths learning, we have been focusing on matching, sorting and comparing. The children have found matching pairs and sets and sorting objects in different ways. How many ways can you think of to sort buttons?
In our RE learning, we went to visit the Church. Rev. Simon talked to us about what happens in a Church and showed us some of the special things that are found in Churches. The children have learnt that Christians visit Churches to worship God. The Bible is a special book full of stories about Jesus. God is very special to Christians and he has many names like Father, Lord, Almighty and Creator.
We have been reading the book 'Can I build another me?' We have been thinking about who we are, our likes and our dislikes, things we can and can't do and how we have changed since we were babies. We thought about what we would be like when we grew up. The children thought about what jobs they might do when they grow up and explored different roles and uniforms in their play.