
Mrs S Butcher - Chair of Governors - PCC
Mr P Willis - PCC Governor
Mr C Kelly - Headteacher
Mrs R Ainslie-Malik - Parent Governor
Mr C Pleasant - Parent Governor
Mrs Jo Apps - PCC Governor
Rev S Young - Vice Chair of Governors- DBE Governor
Mrs D Hind - DBE Governor
Mrs P Long - Staff Governor
Mr A Smiley - Co-opted Governor
Miss S Sholl - Co-opted Governor
Mr A Flatt - Clerk to Governors
To contact the Governing Body please use the email address below, send a letter via the Office or call to arrange a meeting.
Role of the Governor
The governors are a group of volunteers with different backgrounds and mixed skills, made up of parents, staff, members of the community, representatives of the church and the Local Authority. Not all Governors are education experts but are ambitious for all children and are there to bring a fresh perspective to the school. The role of the Governing Body is strategic, and its key functions are to:
- Ensure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Be a source of support and challenge to the Head Teacher and his team, holding leaders to account for educational performance and the effective, efficient performance management of the staff
- Oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that its money is well spent
- Ensure that the Christian character of the school is maintained and developed
- Ensure that the statutory duties of the school are carried out
If you wish to contact any member of the Governing Body, please make contact via the Clerk or the school office and if you are interested in becoming a governor or want to find out about what governors do, please visit National Governance Association (NGA) for more information.