Music Home Learning
Welcome to Bapchild Music Zone
Welcome to Bapchild Music Zone in which, as you would expect, you can find out about all things 'Musical.' Here, you will find some Home Learning tasks . There will also be information about online music events and other fun activities which you could try when you have a spare moment or two.
With the listing of restrictions, Music as we used to know it, is finally starting to resume. Along with the return of singing both in class and Choral Worship, we have been able to have Christmas and Easter Services return and very soon, Year 6 will embark upon their Leaver's Production. We are also hopeful that as from September 2022, we will start to see the return of Collaborative Events in which we get to perform alongside schools in our Local Network.
Bapchild's Vision for Music
Music is an essential part of life; integral in the development of the whole person. We believe that the opportunity to engage in musical experiences is crucial for the development of the whole child. Learning music develops all aspects of a child’s learning, from the physical action of using an instrument to the mathematical skills needed to keep a pulse. These abilities are directly transferable to other areas of the curriculum, allowing them to flourish, and will be invaluable in their future life. For further details, please take a look at the following document..
Bapchild's Vision for Music
At Bapchild, children actively engage in singing, playing, composing, improvising, listening and through our Music Plus programme, every child has opportunity to learn a musical instrument (other than voice.) for a year. There are also many opportunities for children to perform both in school and in the local community. Peripatetic lessons on the ukulele, guitar, violin, flute and clarinet are also offered.
Latest News
Year 6 Production
Year 6 rehearsals are well under way. We would like to encourage the children to listen to the songs as often as possible at home so that lyrics and melodies become familiar. You can use the backing tracks to help with your learning if you scroll down further.
St. Paul's Song for a Queen Platinum Jubilee Event
In order to commemorate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, as a school we were invited to take part in the St Pauls 'Choir for the Queen' We learnt the National Anthem and this was videoed and sent to St Paul's Cathedral. We might be lucky enough to see ourselves in media in relation to the Platinum Jubilee by the BBC or other news outlets. We created our video on Friday 27th May. If you fancy re-creating this during your own jubilee celebrations, then attached is the backing track video and Makaton for the first verse of the National Anthem...
National Anthem Backing Track video
Makaton Sign Language for Verse 1 of the National Anthem
Bach to the Future Roadshow May 2022
On the 16th May, we were lucky enough to listen to representatives from Kent Music who took us on a whistle stop tour through a range of musical genres and introduced us to the different instruments of the orchestra. Their live renditions of music through the ages sparked enthusiasm and inspiration in many pupils. We even watched them create music out of household objects!
We are already finding that through watching the Roadshow and reading the latest instrumental lessons update flier, a number of new children are showing an interest in learning an instrument. If you missed this, then please take a look ...
Would you like to learn an instrument?
In Term 6, we were lucky to experience a Launch Afternoon by Rocksteady, a music organisation who teach within a band setting. During these sessions, it is possible to learn keyboard, drums, electric guitar, bass guitar or vocals. Children go to lessons in a group of 5 and work together to choose their own band name and piece. Further details can be found on here...
We've also had two more demonstrations earlier in the academic year. Iva Butler, a violin tutor and Helen Bridger-Smart, a clarinet/flute tutor came along in Term 2. Both tutors talked about their instrument, gave a demo and handed out info to those who were interested in learning. Please contact the school office or contact Mrs Julier if you would like further info. You might also find the following flier of interest too...
Learning a Musical Instrument at Bapchild School May 2022 Flier
Singing Club
Our Singing Club meets every Thursday after school and is aimed predominantely at KS2 although Year 2 children may join us in terms 5 and 6. We sing a wide range of repertoire, some of which is based on Collaborative Events with local schools but we also annually have opportunity to participate in the Young Voices Concert at the O2.
Here is our latest song material...
Somewhere Only We Know

'Young Voices' 2021-2022
Wow! What an end to Term 5! After being rescheduled twice, our Singing Club finally got to perform in the Young Voices 25th Anniversary Concert at the O2 on 23rd May. Photos and video footage will follow so watch this space.
Click here to enter the Young Voices page and then click on the Menu which is the top right of the page. Click on 'Children' and then choose 'Music Room.' Enter the access code YV2021 and then you will find all the lyric sheets, lyric videos, dance videos and Spotify links. On Spotify, you can also hear the song versions by the original artists.
Songs this year include:
- Mambo Italiano
- O Fortuna
- Lion King Medley
- The Beatles Medley
- The Muppets Medley
- Pop Medley
Marvellous Memories...

fs_18 (1).mov

fs_22 (1).mov

fs_40 (1).mov

For those of you who continue to have difficulties accessing the YV Music Room resource, please use the tracks below along with the lyric sheet which can be found if you scroll down further...
Pop Medley
Power In Me
Mambo Italiano
Muppets Medley
The Beatles Medley
O Fortuna
The Lion King Medley
Sing From Your Heart
Lovely Day
Song Words can be found here...
Song Word Sheet
Letters sent out so far...
Please note that all T-shirt and Ticket orders must be handed in to the school office by 3rd November at the very latest as Young Voices need us to submit one master order on behalf of all parents just a few days after this date.
The Power of Music
Listening to Music can have a huge benefit to your mental wellbeing. Certain songs and those you enjoy can help lift your mood and make you feel happy. I love 'Reach' by S Club7.
Can you find 4 songs that make you feel good?
Did you know there are many health benefits from singing. These include...
- Singing can improve your mood, work as an effective stress-reliever and can sometimes improve sleep.
- It releases pain-relieving endorphins, helping you to forget that painful tooth/knee/worry.
- Your posture improves and your lung capacity increases.
- Singing can boost your confidence and help you to communicate to others.
Music for Wellbeing Activity
Term 1 Music
With lockdown almost at an end, it has been so lovely to see you all face to face last week instead of just virtually! Our music sessions have been filled with LOTS of practical instrument activities to make up for all the time spent at home where you may not have had access to instruments. You've had plenty of opportunity to express yourself, release any tension and hopefully you've had lots of fun!
Music Curriculum Term 5
We will learn about the skills needed to play as an ENSEMBLE and every class will be learning to read some MUSIC NOTATION.
Year 6 and Year 3 : Listen to and review a range of works by famous composers and perform some of these using Boomwhackers, glockenspiels and bells .
Year 5: Chair Drumming - performing and composing rhythm loops consisting of the kick, snare and hi-hat.
Year 4: Ukulele - to be able to play to chords, C, Am, F and G and use these to perform simple well known songs.
Year 2: Reading and performing simple rhythmic notation using untuned percussion and body percussion.
Year 1: Learning to follow symbols and perform to a steady beat using untuned percussion.
Year R: Learning about pitch (High and Low) Exploring high and low notes on glockenspiels; writing our own symbols to represent high and low.
Please also remember that there was a music activity posted onto Google Classroom every week during Lockdown. Please feel free to take a look if you haven't already done so.
Weekly Home Learning during Lockdown Periods
Music Activities
If you enjoy your Class Music lessons, you might like to try some of these:
March - July 2020
Body Percussion by Ollie Tumner, a performer from the musical 'Stomp.'
You do not need to have instruments at home to make music. Our voices and bodies can make fantastic music. We can also use objects around the house. Take a look at these performances by Stomp... Music with newspapers Music with brooms Part 1 Music with little brooms and hosepipes Dishwashers are crazy!
Ollie Tumner, a performer from 'Stomp' has created a website called Beat Goes On. Here are some videos you might want to check out:
KS1 Music Activities
Here are some fun activities aimed more specifically at KS1...
Activity 1
Listen to Gathered round the Christmas tree song. You will find it in Play It!. section of Bring the Noise. (See below)
Use the tool to clap or sing-along, break down the different elements of the song. Then try to make up your own dance to the song.
Here is a copy of the song words
Activity 3
Take a listen to the following orchestra who have got together virtually to perform 'Sleigh Ride.' See if you can answer the quiz questions that accompany it.
For the quiz, click on this:
Christmas Is Coming...
Christmas is Coming....
It's official - we are allowed to start Christmas a little early this year, so let's start spreading some festive cheer by singing some Christmas Songs and Carols. Take a look at the Christmas Sing-A-Long Lyric sheets, click on the links and have some fun. Maybe you could learn a song and sing it to your family and friends down the phone or on a Virtual get together. You could even choreograph your own dance actions to match. Above all, have fun!
The Twelve Days of Christmas Song
Please take a look at this song and see if you can learn this one really well. It would be lovely if we could do this as a Christmas Virtual Song. We will have to see if there is enough time to organise this once we have all returned to school and if there isn't, well it's a fun song to do with your family, especially if you try to add all the actions.
Watch an animation video here:
Watch how to do the actions here:
You will find all the song words and the backing track below.
Christmas is Coming...
Snow Business.wma
Away in a Manger
Jingle Bells
Waht A Glorious Night -Instrumental_NOintro.mp3
16 Track 16 See him lying on a bed of straw.wma
Sparkle and shine (backing track).mp3
The Twelve Days of Christmas.mp3
snow is falling - merry christmas everyone +2 semitone.mp3
20 We wish you a merry Christmas.wma
merry christmas slade (+1).mp3
All I want for christmas (Mariah Carey) Stereo.mp3
Fancy creating your own Christmas Body Percussion Spectacular?
Try creating some sentences to do with Christmas. Next, take the rhythms from these words and try them out using your own body percussion. (Stamping, clapping, clicking, rubbing hand, tapping your chest, tapping your belly.)
E.g Giv-ing gifts, poss-i-bil-ity of snow, San-ta Claus, ho, ho, ho