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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.

Christmas Service 2024

Christmas Service 2024

This year’s overall theme for the Christmas Church Service was ‘coming together.’ We thought about how the star, animals, families and God come together over Christmas.

The wise men followed the star to Bethlehem, bringing everyone from afar together. Mary rode on a donkey to Bethlehem. They had a long journey which was difficult for Mary, Joseph and the Donkey. There was no room at any of the inns, so they found a stable where other animals were present at the birth of baby Jesus. Christmas is time where families come together. It is a time for celebrations, love, kindness and giving. It is a time for preparation and excitement for all. Together we come to celebrate God the creator of the world and the birth of his son Jesus. Jesus shows us that God is our friend and loves us all. Jesus is the window into God – God on earth.
