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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.


Bapchild Book Recommendations


We collected pupil voice about books and reading at Bapchild. The children were enthusiastic about reading and wanted to share their book recommendations with you. I wonder if you have already read these books? If you have any book recommendations please come and find Mrs Unsworth or Mrs Green and we can post your recommendations below. Happy Reading :-) 

KS2 Book club have given some recommendations of books they are currently reading. Which would you be interested in reading? 

Troy recommends Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hot Mess by Jeff Kinney because it’s new, interesting and strange.


Rosa recommends Boy in the Tower by Polly Ho-Yen because it is exciting and different.


Casey recommend Hamlet by Shakespeare because I like other books he has written.  


Arabella recommends The Completely Chaotic Christmas of Lottie Brooks by Katie Kirby because it a full book full of drama.


Savannah recommends Double Decker by Jacqueline Wilson because it is all about friendship and there are two stories in one book.  


Addalyn would recommend Unicorn Valley by Rosie Banks to anyone who likes unicorns.

Our Nursery Children recommendations:


Rex - "I like the Gruffalo because he scares all the other animals."


Ollie - "I like this book because it has dinosaurs in it!"


Freya - " I love animals and I can see lots of animals."

Our Year 1 book recommendations:


Karolina - I am a tiger - "It is very funny because the mouse says he is a tiger and he is not!"

Our Year 2 book recommendations:


Fliss - " My Favourite book is ‘My Dad,’ because it is a bit silly and funny!"


Adiel - "I Like the 'Man on the Moon', because he’s cleaning the rubbish off the moon but he doesn’t know the aliens are there!"

Our Year 3 book recommendations:


Lincoln - "My favourite books are the ones I make myself. But 'I believe in unicorns' is good because it is it’s a story in the text and its set in a library.”


Charlotte - " The David Walliams book 'The demon dentist' because it’s about a bad dentist and it’s really silly. I love it when they turn into skeletons!"


Kaydon - " I like reading and I like lots of Tom Fletchers books. This is my favourite the front cover is interesting."

Our Year 6 Children recommendations


Aviel - Never say die – "I'd recommend this book because it has loads of action and I think it will become a movie!"


Joseph - The diary of a wimpy kid – "I would recommend this book because they are good books to read and they have been around for a long time."


Emily - Murder most unladylike - "I really the Murder most unladylike series of books, you get given a murder that’s taken place in different places, you get loads of suspects and it’s a great mystery and detective series."
