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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.



This term we are embarking on an exciting new programme called NELI.  This programme is designed to support the language development of our 3 and 4 yrs old.  Each week we will explore a different book and the children will complete activities linked to the book.   Keep an eye below for fabulous activities you can do with your at home.



Week 1 Neon Leon

Our first book is Neon Leon.  See PDF below for activities you can complete with your child linked to the book.

Week 2 - Pip and Posy and the bedtime frog

Have fun with this weeks activities. Our key words this week are: pack, forget, excited, giggle.


Week 3 - This weeks story is 'Don't wake up the tiger'.  Have a look at some great activities you can share with your child at home.  Our key vocabulary this week is:  float, hurry, stroke, worry.


Week 4 -  Hope you are having fun joining in activities linked to our NELI books.  This weeks book is The Three Little Pigs and our key words are: Hungry, Angry, Build, and Blow.  Have fun!!

Week 5 -  This weeks story is Copy cat.  Our special words for this week are: copy, practice, skip, together.
