This term we have written our own poems about Earthquakes!
We worked really hard on them to include, personification, metaphors, similes and alliteration.
Mrs Eldridge and Mrs Knight we so impressed that they wanted to share some of them with you all!
Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page
Welcome to year 4 Term 1
English – This term we will be reading and working from ‘Gregory Cool’ by Caroline Binch. Our unit is all about texts from different cultures and we will be working towards writing an information text, a recount and our own story.
Maths – Our main focus this term is on place value, particularly of thousands numbers. We will be partitioning, adding/subtracting, making number lines and representing thousands numbers, using a variety of manipulatives. We will also be completing weekly times table tests.
Science – Over the next two terms, we will be looking at electricity and completing a range of exciting experiments to engage the children and understand how electrical circuits work.
PE – This term we will be focusing on the skills and techniques required for Dodgeball and Dance.
Reading – Along with daily reading comprehension texts, we will be reading ‘The boy who made the world Disappear,’ by Ben Miller.
Welcome to Year 3 Class Page
Year 3 - Term 4
This term we have been learning about the human body. In this lesson, we made our own digestive system. To a sandwich bag (stomach), we added biscuits (food). Then we added orange juice (stomach acids) and some water (saliva) to the bag. After that, we squeezed the bag to represent the food being broken down and then poured the contents into one leg of a pair of tights (small intestine). The liquid that came out represented the nutrients our body needs. The leftover food in the tights is the waste that is no longer needed by the body. Then we wrapped the tights in a tea towel and squeezed again (large intestine). Finally, we cut a hole in the bottom of the tights and pushed the waste through the anus.
Year 3 - Term 4
Easter Trail
This term we had the opportunity to take part in an Easter trail organised by Reverend Simon and Mrs Apps. This trail was set up on the school field with different areas to represent parts of the Easter story. We really enjoyed participating in activities which furthered our understanding. At the end of the trail we added our own painted pebbles that we depicted Easter symbols on.
Term 3 – DT
In DT we have been making bread! In this project the children had to research their designs, practise with salt dough, plan their final pieces and evaluate them. The children loved making bread and enjoyed getting messy at the same time.
Term 3 – Science
This term we have been studying Biology. As a class we made lung models to show the process of inhalation and exhalation. The balloon inside the bottle represents the lung and the balloon over the bottom of the bottle represents the diaphragm. When the diaphragm is pulled the lung expands.
Term 2 – DT Week
Oliver and the Seawigs is this term’s class text. We used the inspiration from this novel to create our very own ‘seawigs’ from recycled materials in this year's DT week. The children had to research, plan, make and evaluate their masterpieces and they were a roaring success!
Year 3 Term 2 – Water
This term, Year 3 have been studying the topic of Water in Geography. We decided to take our learning outside in order to react the Water Cycle. All of the children played a key part in the process and verbally explained their role.
Year 3 PE - Term 1
This term the children have been mastering the skills of Netball. We have focused on two types of passes, the chest pass and bounce pass, ensuring we make a W shape with our hands on the back of the ball before we throw. Also, the children have been working on intercepting the ball in order to gain possession for their team.
Year 3 English - Term 1
Our focus for this term is Bedtime Stories for Monsters.
In this unit of work, the children have worked hard to produce an alternative ending to the original story and a newspaper report.
Year 3 were tasked with finding evidence that a monster had visited our school, so went clue collecting on the field as if they were reporters!
Term 1 has got off to a great start. The children are settling really well and very soon we look forward to our Harvest Church Service which is on Wednesday 11th October. Year 3 will be at the 11.00am Church Service.
It would be amazing if the children could start practising some of the songs at home.
Here is a list of the songwords and backing tracks...
This term in Science we have been learning about the topic of Light. We introduced the unit with a demonstration of a plasma sphere and a florescent tube. The children were amazed that the plasma sphere acts as an electromagnetic wave source with strong fields beyond its walls. Bringing a fluorescent tube near it accelerates electrons, creating an electric current that lights up the bulb.
Year 2 trip to Wingham
We had a wonderful day at Wingham. We saw tigers, giraffes, lions, penguins, chimpanzees, snakes, flamingoes, crocodiles and many more. We enjoyed the animatronic dinosaurs and bugs, had a lovely picnic together and loved the new adventure playground. The children had a fantastic time and were beautifully behaved. A credit to the school. Some lovely memories made for children and staff.
Mrs Clark
Welcome to our Year Two class page!
Year 2 trip to The Tate Modern
We had a wonderful day at the Tate. The children were very well behaved and enjoyed experiencing the Art. We looked out especially for examples of weaving as this is what our Art Week focus was.
Term 3
This term we are reading the book 'The Man on the Moon!' By Simon Bartram.
We have read the book, retold the story and now we are in the process of planning and writing our own fantasy stories based on this story. We took part in a drama lesson to help us structure our stories.
This term we are learning about two significant nurses.
Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole.
We have learnt many facts about them, ask your child to see if they can remember any.
Welcome to Year 1 Class Page
Celebrating World Book Day with our fabulous Information Book costumes!
The theme for Science Week this year was growth. We thought about how patterns grow and decorated some cardboard squares that we then used to try and “grow” the tallest structure (with no additional materials). We learned a lot about trial and error, perseverance, team work and the need for a wide base area!
Here are some pictures from our trip to the Science Museum.
Our Topic this term is the History of Transport. We will be finding out whether the wheel was the most important invention ever.
We have been reading this Anansi story in English and have been inspired by the illustrations to create our own collage spider characters.
As part of our Geography topic “Where do I live?”, we made this map of our village showing all the important features of Bapchild.
We combined our English, Science and Art learning to work on these collaborative Wild Things. Each group worked with only one material - plastic, paper, metal, wood and rock.
Off to church for our Christmas service with our hand sewn angel finger puppets.
What a lot of beautiful angels and lovely lambs ready for our Nativity play!
Our fabulous jaguars! We looked closely at the pattern of their fur and learned how to tell the difference between jaguars, leopards and cheetahs. We made the backgrounds using just blue and yellow paint that we mixed on the paper and then used the other end of the paintbrush to scratch details into our leaves.
Design Week 2021
This week we have been designing and making cereal bars. First we tasted some existing cereal bars for market research and inspiration.
Next we designed and made our recipes and packaging.
Here are some of our products ready to take home for taste testing before a final evaluation.
We used chalk and charcoal to make observational drawings of feathers before cutting them up to collage our bird sculptures. Everyone managed to get their sculptures to stand up and remembered to decorate both sides because a sculpture is three-dimensional.
Some photos from Harvest Festival. Well done everyone for your beautiful singing in Church.
In Science, we have been learning to identify some common British birds. Have a look at our lovely paintings of them. How many can you recognise?
We looked closely at the features of our faces and tried to include as much detail as we could in these self-portraits. The beautiful backgrounds were made by laying tissue paper squares onto a wet background and then peeling them off when it was dry.