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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4 Class Page


Key websites this year:

URBrainy (MTC practise, no login required) - MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -

MyMaths - School login - MyMaths

Timestable Rockstars - Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (


Please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone the school office if you need a new copy of any logins throughout the year.



Year 4 - Term 6

As we are completing our Multiplication Timestable Check (MTC) this term, please do continue to practise on either TTRockstars or the URBrainy website.

Year 4 - Term 5

World Awareness Week (WAW 20-24th May 2024)

This year, WAW was based around the upcoming Olympic games held in Paris 2024. Each day we looked at a different continent and completed exciting activities based around them. Below are some pictures of the different activities that we were lucky enough to take part in, including archery and golf!

Monday - Oceania

On Monday, we created some aboriginal artwork using cotton buds to make dot paintings! We also had a Skip 2B Fit session to get us ready for the sponsored skip later on that week.

Tuesday - Africa

On Tuesday, we looked at famous African athletes and used our geography skills to locate where they came from on a map of Africa and looked into each athletes sports. We also had an archery session with Creed Outdoor Learning, which was great fun as we aimed arrows towards a target.

Wednesday - Asia

On Wednesday, we located many different countries in Asia and created beautiful Vietnamese lanterns out of coloured paper.

Thursday - Europe

On Thursday, we looked at the artist Ben Mosely, who is the official Team GB artist for the Paris 2024 Olympics. We had a go at creating artwork similar to his style and created a part of a whole-school canvas to celebrate WAW and all the amazing work we have done.

Friday - The Americas

On Friday, we ended the week with our Skip 2B Fit sponsored skip day and looked at the different countries in The Americas. We looked at unusual sports we may not have heard of before and even had a go at one called 'Tejo', which is a traditional Columbian throwing sport, where the aim is to hit a small target with gunpowder to create an explosion! It was great fun.

Inter-House - Football

The children took part in mini-football matches to earn points for their house colours! Each year group had different activities to do to score points, a huge well done to Bristol who were the winners this term!

PE - Rounders

This term the children have been learning the rules of rounders. We have practised some of the key skills needed including, batting, throwing and catching. The children have enjoyed playing rounders matches against their peers (in mostly sunny weather)!

Art - Sculpture

In art this term, the children have been learning about the sculpture artist, Victor Spinski. Spinski created real-life pieces using a range of techniques, such as the scratch, slip and blend technique, which the children had a go at. Over the term, the children designed their real-life art piece based on something that was important to them, created it and evaluated it at the end.

Topic - Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

Across Term 5 and 6, Year 4 have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. The children looked at Anglo-Saxon society and how different Kingdoms were ruled. For this activity, they had to arrange different villagers according to the Anglo-Saxon hierarchy and even had a go at some hot seating as those characters!

Howlett's Wild Animal Park Trip - Tuesday 30th April

Year 3 and 4 both had a brilliant day at Howlett's, the children had a great time looking at a range of different animals and we had a special talk from a zoo-keeper all about hunting, foraging and food chains! 

DT - The children had designed and created their own Ferris wheels out of lollipop sticks, egg boxes, match sticks and hot glue. They were very sensible whilst using tools to carve holes and stick their parts together.

Year 4 - Term 4

Science - The past two terms we have been learning about humans, animals and health. During this exciting lesson, we looked at the digestive system and recreated the process of digestion!

Easter Trail 2024! The children decorated a rock each and placed it in the Easter garden after completing an Easter trail, which guided them through the different parts of the Easter story. 

RE - Salvation

This term we have been looking at the key events in Holy Week, in particular Maundy Thursday and the meaning of Easter to Christians. The children took part in their own 'Passover' meal and we discussed how the meal changed from one of celebration to one of sorrow.

PE - Badminton

This term we are looking at Badminton in PE and started off the unit with shuttle familiarisation. We looked at how the shuttle is created to always land head on and practised some games passing the shuttle over the net. Over the next few lessons, we will look at using the racket and how to complete different serves and have some mini-matches!

English - Danny the Champion of the World

In English and guided reading, we are studying Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. We are working up to writing our own playscripts based on the text and instructions. We have been examining the text, trying to find examples of emotive language and expanded noun phrases, which we could include in our own writing!

DT - Ferris wheels

This term we are looking at Ferris Wheels and understanding how they work. To start off our learning, we looked at different types of mechanical devices and looked at how inputs and outputs can change the movement of objects. We created our own 'moving flags' demonstration and decorated them.

Year 4 - Term 3

Science - Across Term 3 and 4 we will/have been looking at the human body and health, including animals. For one of our lessons we created a lung model using bottles, balloons and a straw to show how lungs inflate and deflate and to help us understand how the diaphragm contracts and flattens as we breathe too!

Topic - Volcanoes

This term we have been learning all about volcanoes! We have looked at why they erupt, famous examples of volcanoes and even made one ourselves using bicarbonate soda and white vinegar! 

PE - Gymnastics

This term we have been putting key shapes into a routine, performing them and evaluating our own and peer performances. Some of the key shapes have included pike, tuck and dish shapes!

PE - Volleyball

This term we have looked at a variety of different key skills needed for a game of volleyball including: dig shots, having good spatial awareness, practising our reaction times, working as a team and perfecting our throwing and catching skills.

RE - This term our unit is all about Gospel. Jesus was referred to as the 'fisher of people' and in groups we drew what we thought this meant and discussed how it related to the bible passage we have been studying.

Year 4 - Term 2

Christingle 2023

PE - This term we have been learning different skills in hockey and football including passing, moving into a space and working as a team. 

Computing - This term we have been learning about HTML and having a go at changing it on websites, so that images and text change. 

Topic - In topic this term we have been learning all about Italy! We designed, made and ate our own pizzas too, which were delicious! We have also been learning about famous Italian landmarks, historical figures and what school is like in Italy, as well as a few Italian phrases! Fantastico!

English - In English this term we have written our own earthquake poetry, which we performed to the class. We have also read 'The Journey to the Centre of the Earth' story by Jules Verne and wrote our own journal entry from Axel's point of view.

Maths - In maths we have been continuing our work on multiplication and division. We have looked at each set of times table questions in detail and have learned how to produce fact families. Here are some images of a times table game we have played, where we needed to fill in the missing answers to move on!

DT Week 2023 - During DT week we used recycled materials, such as cardboard and old fabrics to create our dragons, based on the poem we have been focusing on in English by Moira Andrews. We used a range of attachment techniques, including sewing, to bind the different materials together.

Year 4 - Term 1

DT - This term we have been looking at what fruits and herbs grow in the garden and making tea from those ingredients. The children have researched and tried different fruits and herbs to make delicious combinations of tea! They made the tea from scratch by cutting up their fruits and herbs, placing them in filter paper and securing it together, with a string attached. They also made their own packaging for the tea too!

Topic - This term, Year 4 have been learning all about the Romans! We have created our own shields and made formations, just like the Roman army would have done! We looked at Roman roads, the Roman invasion and Boudicca's resistance!

RE - This term we have been learning about the creation story! Year 4 have been exploring each day of creation and the beautiful world God created. We have completed a nature trail around the school, noting down all the different plants and insects we could find, then had a class discussion about how we could help look after them all. Year 4 have also had a go at 'hot seating' the important figures from the bible story of Adam and Eve, trying to answer some tough questions!

Maths - In maths this term we have been learning about place value and column addition/subtraction. We have used a range of resources to help us understand thousands, hundreds, tens and ones. We have also been practising the MTC, which can be found here - MTC - Multiplication Tables Check -

Term 1 has got off to a great start. The children are settling really well and very soon we look forward to our Harvest Church Service which is on Wednesday 11th October. Year 4 will be at the 9.30am Church Service. 

 It would be amazing if the children could start practising some of the songs at home. 

Here is a list of  the songwords and backing tracks...



We will be singing along to the following backing track  Melody for I want to grow beans

Welcome to the Year 3 Class Page!

History - Term 5 

This term Year 3 have started a new unit called 'The Secrets of St Laurence's Church'. The class have enjoyed visiting the grounds of our local church and investigating the existing church to determine when different parts were built.


Term 5 - PE

Year 3 have been learning to dance this term. This unit has come at a perfect time as we were able to choreograph a routine for our Coronation Celebration. Our theme was 'Dancing through the Decades' as we wanted to showcase the changes in dancing styles across the years in which King Charles III has lived. 

DT - Term 5 

In DT this term, Year 3 have been learning about mechanisms. We have investigated pop-up books and discussed how we think the pictures move. Through careful learning, the children have mastered how to make different moving mechanisms such as a lever and rotating wheel.


English - Term 3 

In English we have been studying the Roald Dahl story James and the Giant Peach. In order for the children to understand just how horrible Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker are, they were tasked with acting out a chapter from the story. This greatly helped with the children's character descriptions. 

English - James and the Giant Peach


Year 3 - Term 3

This term in PE we have been working on our tennis skills. At first we worked on our throwing and catching skills to familiarise ourselves with the tennis ball. Then we introduced rackets to practise hitting the tennis ball and returning it to our partners. 

PE Tennis


Year 3 - Term 2

Art Week

During Art Week we had a visit from local artist Pam Smyth. Her workshop was centred around Remembrance Sunday. First we experimented by sketching poppies on card, then once we had decided on our final shape, we traced our drawing onto fabric. After that, Pam introduced the class to milk painting. The children had to paint milk onto fabric. This wet surface then allowed the colour of the pastel drawing to be very vibrant. The children experimented with different shades and shapes to create their beautiful poppies.


Year 3 also had the brilliant opportunity to visit the Tate Modern. This was a fantastic trip in which the children focused on embroidery, which we then used to inspire our artwork back at school.

Year 3 - Term 1 


This term in topic Year 3 have been studying the subject of Water! The children have found the Water Cycle fascinating and so we decided to create our very own Water Cycle. Each child played a part and had a line to read to explain each stage of the cycle. Geography rocks!


Within our Water unit, the children have been learning about renewable energy sources, particularly hydropower. To illustrate how water can be converted to energy, the children created water wheels. They absolutely loved trying out their creations by pouring jugs of water into their wheels. They experimented with pouring the water fast and slow and seeing the effect it has on the speed of movement.


This term we have been studying the topic of 'Forces'. Through many different experiments the children have furthered their knowledge of friction, air pressure and magnetism. Year 3's favourite experiment has got to be the conical flask and egg! In this amazing practical, the egg is moved into the neck of the conical flask through air pressure. 




Term 5


This term we are reading the book 'The Diary of a Killer Cat!'

We will be practicing reading with expression, exploring the characters and writing our own diary as if we were the cat. 


In maths this term we will be learning to tell the time (o'clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past and in 5 minute intervals), today we played a game with a partner where we had to read the times on the board. 



Where am I on a map?


In our topic lessons this term we will be creating maps of our local area, next week we will be going on a walk in the local area in order to help us achieve this. Look out for the photos and pictures of the maps we create.

Also we will be learning to name and locate the different continents and oceans in the world.

Term 4

Godly Play 


Year 2 had Godly Play over in the Church last week. They heard the story about the Good Shepherd, comparing the good shepherd to an ordinary one. They answered questions about the story and related the story to themselves. The children enjoyed making pompoms for a sheep, painting pictures of the story, creating some of the characters with play dough and they could retell the story using the story sack. 

Year 2 Cranmer 

Term 3


This term in our English lessons we are reading 'The Man on the Moon!' by Simon Bartram.

You can find the story on the link below 

You could share the story together at home. 


In Maths this term we are learning how to multiply and divide by grouping and sharing. The children used different objects to group and share. 

We are also learning the 2, 5 and 10 times table. 


Welcome to Year One Page

After visiting the Crown Jewels we learned more about the crown that was made for Prince Charles in 1969 and the symbols included. We thought about symbols that would represent us and designed our own crowns before making them. 

Some photos from our brilliant trip to the Tower of London today plus some examples of our quick sketches of the landmarks we could see.

After looking at examples of Kente cloth from Ghana we were inspired to make these paper weavings. 

We learned about hot and cold colours and then applied our learning to make these Hot Dogs and Cool Cats. 

Some pictures from our Pentecost party. We celebrated the birthday of the church as well as all the birthdays we had missed in Lockdown. 

We have enjoyed watching our tadpoles change into froglets but today we said goodbye because it was time for them to return to the pond.

In Computing today we used the four way symmetry tool and a tiling tool to make William Morris inspired wallpaper designs. 

So impressed with these William Morris inspired prints. The children followed the instructions really well and did a fantastic job!

We have been learning about The Owl and the Pussycat in our English lessons. We have made illustrations for our own version of the poem. 

The Flower Fairies have been helping us to identify the plants growing in our school garden as part of our Science work. Look at our amazing observational drawings. Can you name the flowers?

We made this display about this term’s value of “Openness”.

Fantastic entrants in our Easter Bonnet and Decorated Egg competition. Congratulations to everyone especially our Year 1 winners Ellen, Edith and Ernest!
What a fabulous collection of wax-resist watercolour handwriting pattern Easter eggs!
And look who’s hatched out...!
Here are our beautiful fingerprint Spring flower Mothers Day cards, before the ladybirds landed!
We each coloured a piece of this puzzle and when we put it together it had a special message for us...
Our Sleeping Beauty story map. Can you use it to tell the story?

More artwork inspired by Yinka Shonibare.

Which is his and which is Year 1’s?!

This artwork was inspired by a video on the Tate Kids website where the artist Harold Offeh showed us how to make prints of body parts using something greasy like Vaseline or hand cream and a powder like flour. These creative children tried spices and glitter too!

As part of our Topic work about Famous People we learned about the artist Yinka Shonibare. We learned that he sometimes uses objects to tell stories and start conversations. We were inspired to make Self Portraits using objects.

How well do you know your friends? Can you tell whose is whose?

These pictures are also inspired by the work of Yinka Shonibare. We have made abstract collages of our families by choosing patterns and shapes that we felt best represented them. 
Fantastic fantasy landscapes for our Wild Things to live in. Some of these were made at school and some by children following at home through our live online lessons.
Look at our Days of the Week paperchains. We could join with a partner to make a fortnight, then join with another pair to make a month. We didn’t have quite enough weeks for a year though!
Deck the Tree!

These are our plans for our “Amazon Rainforest Adventure” stories. 

Our theme for Art Week was Triangles. We tried a puzzle where we needed to make different shapes using 20 identical triangles. The heart shape was really tricky! We then looked at Paul Klee’s picture “Castle and Sun” and used our triangles to make our own versions. 
We used equilateral triangles as templates for these abstract watercolour paintings. Every one’s a winner!
For this puzzle we needed to try and make as many triangles as we could using just six strips of paper. 
We also tried some Origami. We folded paper into triangles to make these cats and dogs. 
Some action shots from our PE lesson today...
Can you use the table to work out which aliens we have drawn?
We made flapjacks as part of our English learning. We weren’t allowed to eat them until we had written the instructions!

We enjoyed the story of The Good Shepherd in Godly Play today. 

Meet the Teachers Welcome Video


Still image for this video
Look how individual and characterful our skeletons are, even though they are all from the same template.

We used Autumn colours to make some rubbings of leaves. 

Have a look at our class version of the Brown Bear, Brown Bear story that children contributed to as part of their Home Learning.
We made these posters showing different ways of representing numbers from 0 to 10. 
We worked in groups to create numberlines using different objects. 
A Science lesson about identifying parts of the body.
Welcome to Ramsey Class
We have had some super award winners this week too including star card winners, a sporting winner and a Jackson award winner (for being kind and helpful).
This week we have been looking at the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We have written our own instruction to trap the gingerbread man as well as decorating our own gingerbread man. In Maths we have been practising our number bonds to 10 with songs as well as representing them in a ten frame. We have also been busy planting carrots seeds to and broad beans to watch how they grow.
This week we have continued with our theme of food and cooking with the story, ‘The Giant Jam Sandwich’. We have written about our favourite sandwiches and then made our own. Today we made our own bread rolls to see the effects of the yeast on the dough and then enjoyed eating them once cooked. We have also practised retelling the story with actions and sound effects. In Maths we have been combining two groups of numbers and working out number sentences. We have also celebrated our first World Book at school and had our first gymnastics session at Faversham Gym. We have had a very busy week.
We had so much fun and learnt so many new skills at our gymnastics lesson in Faversham this week.
Today we have enjoyed our dress up day as book characters for World Book Day. Everybody’s costumes were amazing but see photo below for our class winners.
This week we have started our new theme of food and cooking. We have enjoyed sharing the stories, ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’ and ‘The Runaway Pancake’. We have written ingredient lists for making pancakes as well as identifying action words for our pancake instructions. We have also made our own pancakes. In Maths we have been comparing numbers, exploring  words such as bigger and smaller as well as how numbers to 10 have things that are the same and different. We have also been looking at healthy and unhealthy choices for our pancakes and lunchboxes.
We enjoyed making houses like in the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ out of coins for the school’s coin challenge.
This week we have been looking at the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’. We have thought about what silly materials we could you to make houses in our writing. We have also made our own houses using a variety of unusual materials and tested whether they would withstand being ‘huffed and puffed down. In Maths this week we have been looking at counting forwards and backwards to 10 as well as the different ways we can make 10 using a ten-frame.
This week we have started our learning on traditional tales and the homes within them. The story we are exploring is ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. We had great fun building bridges for the troll as well as thinking and writing about possible new homes for him. In Maths we are learning about the numbers six, seven and eight and the different ways we can represent and make them.
Our Good Work stars this term
Our sporting achievements 
We have continued with our theme of dragons this week and looked at the role of the dragon in Chinese New Year. We have enjoyed learning about the traditions of Chinese New Year, trying traditional Chinese food and creating our own dragon dance. In Maths we have been identifying the names of 3D names as well as using mathematical language to describe them, talking about the shapes we’ve used in our building and going on a treasure hunt.
This week we have started our new theme of dragons. We have drawn and described our own dragons as well as painted and used clay to make our own models. In Maths we have been learning about 2D shapes and have been working on using mathematical language to describe them. In Phonics we have been learning new sounds ‘j, v, w and x’.
This week we have been looking at how animals in this country cope in winter and the special features of animals that live in cold places. We have enjoyed making snow and sharing our knowledge of snow and the animals that live in it. We have also explored the dark through the story, ‘The Owl that was Afraid of the Dark.’ In Maths we have been working on our number bonds to five.

Our Jackson Award Winner this term

For being a kind, polite and helpful member of the class. Always doing her best.

It has been a busy start back to school. We have been exploring the theme of winter and what we might expect to see. We enjoyed a walk around our school grounds looking for signs of winter. In Maths we have been exploring time and what times we do certain things as well as what we can do in a minute. In Science we explored ice and how it forms.
This week we have enjoyed decorating Christmas biscuits, stockings and tree outlines as well as watching a pantomime.
We enjoyed taking part in our first Christmas service today and making our own Christingles.
This week we performed our nativity to our parents. We sang beautifully and danced amazingly. We also read ‘Dear Santa’ then discussed our own present wishes, which we drew and wrote labels for.
In Maths this week we have been finding 1 less in a group of objects. In Literacy we have started our theme of Christmas and winter traditions. We have been enjoying the story of ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ and been busy making our own letters and cards to send. We have also enjoyed decorating the school Christmas tree with our handmade decorations and watching the Family Trust’s Nativity Show.
This week we have been busy writing labels for the aliens from the story ‘Here Comes the Aliens’. In Maths we have been finding 1 more in a set of objects. In Phonics we have been consolidating our new sounds, working had to remember them. In technology we enjoyed making faces and taking photos of ourselves to scare the aliens off. We have also enjoyed decorating our home corner in preparation for Christmas and sharing our own family traditions from home.
We have continued our learning on our theme of space by sharing non-fiction books together. We have also identified common features of information books such as contents pages, labels and glossaries. We then labelled our own astronaut. In Maths we have been working on the vocabulary of more or less by comparing non identical objects. We have also enjoyed learning about the Christmas story and making space pictures in different ways.
This week we started our new theme of space and have enjoyed the story ‘Whatever Next’. We wrote lists of what we would take on our own picnic and enjoyed retelling the story with props. In Maths we have been comparing identical objects by size as well as by how many there are. In Phonics we have learnt the new sounds, ‘g, o, c and k’ and have been practising forming them. We have enjoyed sharing our own bears with each other as part of our learning on sharing and special things to us. We then decorated our own biscuits in the colours and design of a very special bear ‘Pudsey’.
This week has been a Design and Technology week. We have based our designs around the book ‘Rabbit Foo Foo’. We have enjoyed making our own characters which move up and down using air being pushed back and forth from two syringes connected by tubing. We have also explored vehicles and how they move and had a go at making our own. In R.E we looked at the Hindu festival of Diwali and made divas. We enjoyed making firework pictures and learnt about why we have ‘Firework Night’.
We have been exploring the text ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. We identified the sounds the characters made as they moved through the different locations. Some of us made our own animal truck while some made our own animal to search for in child initiated. We then went on our own hunt for a parrot! In Phonics we have been learning the new tricky words ‘a, I, the, to’ and practised recognising them in tricky word bingo. In Maths we have been learning to sort objects by different criteria.

This week we have been looking at the book ‘Leaf Man’. We have printed leaves and created rubbings with crayons to create our own animals, describing the leaves we used. In Phonics we have learnt the new sounds ‘i, n, m and d’ writing them and reading them in words. During Maths this week we have consolidated our learning on the number five by create different arrangements with mult-link.

This week we have been looking at the text ‘The Enormous Turnip’.  We have drawn pictures of our favourite part and explained what we like about the story. In Maths we have been learning about the number 5 and verbally rehearsing number sentences as well as trying to write one. In Phonics we have introduced the sounds ‘s,a, t and p’. We have also been on an walk around the school grounds to look for signs of autumn. The class enjoyed their welcome service in the church this week as well as being part of the harvest service.
This week we looked at the books, ‘Five Minutes Peace’ and ‘The Big Book of Families’. We drew pictures of own families and talked about what we like to do as a family. In Maths we learnt all about the number four and how we can make it. We orally rehearsed number sentences and some of us had a go at writing them. In Phonics we enjoyed playing the game ‘You can cross the River’ to help us learn how to blend a word back together.
A useful video clip showing the correct 'pure' pronunciation of phonemes (units of sound)
Songs to help your child learn their sounds in a fun way.
We visited the church today so we knew what to expect at our Welcome Service and Harvest Festival. We enjoyed learning about all the different parts of a church.
This week we have looked at the text ‘Do you like?’ We have explored the things we like and those things we like even better. In Phonics we have be working on identifying words that rhyme and in Maths we have been looking at the connections between the numbers one, two and three.
We have had a busy start to our first term at school. We have each painted pictures of our faces to recognise how we are all different. We have enjoyed exploring our new inside and outside classroom, making lots of new friends. As a class we have be working on keeping our class rules. 