Term 4 - Salvation
Why is Easter important to Christians?
We have started this topic by looking at Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday. We have had great fun making and eating pancakes!
Term 4 Value - Wisdom
Our school value for Term 4 is wisdom. In class we have a reflection area for the children. They come and do some mindfulness colouring of a ‘wise old owl’ and place the owl on our tree. The children can reflect and think about questions such as...
Who is the wisest person you know?
How can we be wise?
Is wisdom about your thoughts or actions?
Have you made the right choices?
Term 2 Incarnation
Incarnation means God in the flesh. Jesus was the Son of God and during the topic we learnt about why the birth of Jesus is so important. Understanding why Christmas is important to Christians. We learnt through role play with characters, performing our nativity and we even began to learn about Christingle.
Term 2 Value - Thankfulness
We have been thinking about what we are thankful for. Our reflective corner has calming objects on for us the look at to encourage us the think about what we are thankful for, e.g beautiful colours, conkers from the tress, sand from the beach, toys for us to play with. When do you say thank you?
Reverent Simon asked us a very interesting question.
If all you had today was what you said thank you for yesterday, what would you have today?
Term 1 Value - Compassion
In class we have made a tree of kindness. We have written on leaves a time that we have shown compassion and kindness to others.
Term 1 - Creation
We have been on a creation walk to explore the amazing world around us that God created. We saw the clouds in the sky, felt the grass underneath our fingertips and even found some of God's creatures. We had some reflection time.. How can we protect God's world?