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Bapchild and Tonge

CE Primary School and Nursery

Rooted in God as our vine; we bear fruits.

Collective Worship


The daily Act of Collective Worship at Bapchild and Tonge Church of England Primary School and Nursery plays a central role in our life and work. It provides us with valuable opportunities to reaffirm our Christian Values and ethos. It offers important opportunities to strengthen our sense of community, belonging and inclusiveness and to reinforce the respect and care we have for each other. Through Collective Worship, we make a significant contribution to the religious, spiritual, moral and cultural development of those present. We want all our pupils to ‘enjoy and achieve’ and Collective Worship provides a valuable vehicle to do this.

All teaching staff and pupils are expected to attend worship.


  • To worship God.
  • To foster a sense of fellowship by bringing pupils together to celebrate the shared Christian Values of the school and community.
  • To develop an understanding of liturgy and scripture.
  • To foster a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty, mystery and power of the world.
  • To allow reflection on the fundamental questions of life and focus attention away from concerns of the moment to those things which are of eternal concern to human beings.
  • Gather together to share sacred moments of joy, challenge, grief and love.
  • Explore the school’s distinctive Christian vision and values in action
  • Reflect on the nature of God and on the teachings of Christ through Biblical texts
  • Express praise and thanksgiving to God
  • Be still, pray and reflect
  • Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events
  • Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness
  • Explore Christian values and attitudes
  • Share each other’s joys and challenges
  • Celebrate significant and special times in the Christian calendar

Easter Service 2024


This year's theme for our Easter Church Service was 'Hot Cross Buns'. Each class explored the parts of the delicious Easter treat: the cross, the spices, the yeast and the eating. 

As you lay the cross on top of the bun: Thank you Jesus for coming to save us by dying on the cross and for forgiving us when we are sorry. 

As you stir the mixture: Thank you Jesus that you came into the world and stirred things up so that people thought about what really mattered. 

As they go into the oven: Thank you that, although you were buried in a tomb, you rose three days later and are still alive today. 

As you eat the hot cross bun: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving me all I need to live a life following you. 



Easter Prayer Trail


Rev. Simon and Jo set up an Easter Prayer trail for the children in every class to experience. The prayer stations allowed the children to listen to and reflect different parts of the Easter Story. All children decorated a pebble or a cross to add to the Easter Garden. The trail was full of spiritual moments, being in nature and thinking about how Jesus died to forgive our sins. 

Harvest Festival 2023



This year for our Harvest Festival Service we were thinking about our School Vision: Jesus is the Vine. 

During the Harvest Festival each class took a section of how the farmers help to give us the food around and how it is grown, looked after and harvested. 


Augustine and Becket Classes talked about the gardener planting the vine – where does our food come from?

They told us some interesting facts about how different fuits and vegetables are grown and where in the world they come from.




Ramsey Class retold the story of The Little Red Hen using Makaton signs to show us how hard the Gardener works to care for and prune the branches.


Fisher and Dunstan Classes talked about the gardener clearing the rubbish and what rubbish do we leave behind? They, with the help of a very special Rubbish Fairy, told us about how long it takes different materials to biodegrade in the world and what we could do to help.



Temple and Cranmer Classes showed us some paintings they had done of different fruits and vegetables to show how the gardener gathers the food. They then sang the popular song 'Shotgun' with a Harvest Twist.

This year, we asked for donations for the Swale Foodbank to help support local families. It was astonishing how many donations of food packets and tins were given along with cleaning and hygiene products.

A huge thank you to all who donated and to those families who joined us in the Church to celebrate. 
